Yes, I would STRONGLY recommend, pockets are a little small. I'm used to long length jackets, not the short motorbike ones so I'm alien to that but it fit's brilliantly and when you remove the lining. Air just flows through it. SOOOO nice.
You can see through the mesh if that helps give a picture. But places that need cover are indeed covered, and armour is as good as any other textile I've owned.
Worth every penny.
I'm 6'2" with long limbs.
I went for the medium, the chest could be a little snugger as it's an inch or 2 too big. But nothing extreme and doesn't 'fold' when I sit down. The arm length is perfect.
My experience with Sportsbikeshop isn't quite as good.
I ordered a back protector a week ago, the money was taken, my order was confirmed and the day after I received an email saying my order had been dispatched.
Then yesterday I received another email saying that my order hadn't been dispatched after all, the back protector wasn't even in stock and it was going to take another week before I receive it. The whole reason I ordered from Sportsbikeshop was because their advert said the item was in stock, if I'd known that it wasn't then I would've ordered elsewhere.
Was the right sleeve bigger than the left?
Did you ask for a refund? Did they refund you as soon as you asked them to?
There's no point now. I'm going away on holiday tomorrow so I might as well wait for it to come in stock while I'm away. It should've arrived last week, especially when I've even got an email saying it had been dispatched.