Just about to use true image...one question

1 May 2006
Just about to use true image...one question {New Problem}

guys im about to put a 500gb spinpoint (sataII) in my rig and transfer over about 300-350 gb of data over...The 2 drives already in there are a barracuda and a hitatchi. Both PATA. Can someone advise me as to roughly how long it will take? Thanks
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basmic said:
Assuming it's transferring 350gb at 60mb/sec:

350 * 1024 = 358400mb
358400 / 60 = 5973.33 seconds to do the total transfer
5973.33 / 60 = 99.55 minutes
99.55 / 60 = 1.66 hours, or 1 hour and 40 minutes

i like your style! lol thanks

cheers too gunner
New problem!! as stated before i have 2 pata drives i want copied over to a new single drive. i have copied the first one, but true image wont let me copy over the other drive now, saying that the destination must be empty? any ideas...how do i get my other drive over to this new drive
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