I have been building my system to look near enough the exact same as this just without the Intel side of things and watercooling. Looks absolutely MINT!
Could I ask...
#1 - Were the roof fans easy to fit, I saw the handle and thought the second fan would be a tight squeeze, did they fit nicely?
#2 - Are those fans brighter than the stock CM fans? As I want the roof to be quite red?
#3 - Did you use a standard red LED stick down the side? I was going to get 2m of NZXT lights? Should I use a stick as that looks awesome!
Awesome build!
Nice, i have the same case just waiting on my GFX card to come to start a proper log.
OCUK sell a replacement side panel which is full window so you can see your inners, if you want to see her in all her glory.
not to be a noob but how did u get the cool windows "mod" thingy?
I found a revoltec cathode twin set and bought them, but they turned out pink! Or a very faded red, On my images they look orange/red but to the eye they're pink, going to get some LED lights instead for a true red colour.
And again, awesome build!