Just because... when was the last time you...?

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30 Apr 2003
Don't know whether it's the fabled "middle-age" period or "mid-life crisis" but I've found myself in a bit of a mess of late, and in need of focusing "on me" as other people have told me.

I've come to the conclusion, that half of my problem is a lack of what I'm terming "Just because" activities, which I struggle to do without feeling guilty about not working, "furthering" myself, or having my mind focused on "more important things".

I'm a big music fan, one of my big escapes is to put an album on, and just enjoy it, doing nothing else... but it's a serious struggle to get there, yet when I do, everything is so, so much better!

What are your just because things?
tbh, I haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about

So think of things that you do with no perceived value to others that can be seen as most like a waste of time, but is it value to you just because you enjoy it?
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I suppose so @arknor , there's an aspect of community to it though that'd be obvious to the masses, at least here.
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So think of things that you do with no perceived value to others that can be seen as most like a waste of time, but is it value to you just because you enjoy it?

You mean like today?
I've just got back from a short muddy walk.

I value it for my mental health.. Others think it's just mental!
Just whenever @413x, spot on though, I probably should have been clearer with my rambling initially sorry all.

I get it's just time spent on what to some is a luxury, e.g. whacking an album on, reading a book, painting miniatures etc. whatever works for people.

Jogging I've never understood, but know some people are mad for it.
Just whenever @413x, spot on though, I probably should have been clearer with my rambling initially sorry all.

I get it's just time spent on what to some is a luxury, e.g. whacking an album on, reading a book, painting miniatures etc. whatever works for people.

Jogging I've never understood, but know some people are mad for it.

Go for a walk, go for a bike ride (motorized or pedals), go to the cinema, go out for lunch, book an impromptu holiday, etc.

Start with this - grab a notepad and pen, and start jotting down the things you enjoy. Keep this handy and start paying attention to what others are doing. If you see something that looks fun, scribble it down. Eventually stick this to your fridge and every time you feel like you need to do something, pick one from the list and do it.

It can be hard to "rediscover" yourself at times, and it'll take a bit of thinking and finding your groove, but you'll be infinitely happier for doing so.
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I demolish a bottle of red while listening to music videos through my beyerdynamic pro 700x and usb dac on the laptop (i prefer this low res experience to just listening to hi res music only) basically the more i drink the older and more naff the videos get but i enjoy this so much as an escape,been doing it for years
obviously walking and bodyboarding but i see these as a heath essential
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I am 43 and have played about 1,000 hours of Fall Guys.

That's my just because activity. When I think of what I could have achieved with that time it makes me wince a bit, but then I remind myself that I enjoy it and that makes it ok.
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