Just been diagnosed with COPD :-(

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19 Jun 2009
It’s okay to be angry and upset. You are worried about your health and there is lots of information out there some correct and some incorrect. Try and take some time off to reflect and make positive steps to get better. Find yourself a new healthy hobby for example. There are a lot of people out there that will be looking out for you and you need to establish this support structure now.
31 May 2009
Anger is part of the acceptance process.
You will also come to terms with the fact that you knew you have been damaging your own body with the smoking, you caused this illness 100%, not a doctor who treated you badly three years ago.
You are responsible, and eventually you will accept that.
Quitting the smoking is a good start.
8 Jan 2004
Nope just ****** the useless doctor didn't do something about it 3 years ago, even my current doctor was angry about it, if you took the time to read the thread, you'd of discovered that, COPD 3 years ago, worse COPD now.

And I do have a good doctor now, its the beginning stages of examination, and nothing can be done or taken further until ive had my scans etc on Tuesday......only should have been done 3 years ago instead of telling me something my mum could have told me, and probably given better advise than that previous doctor.

I totally get you had COPD 3 years ago, I mentioned that earlier in the thread. What' the most effective treatment for COPD? Smoking cessation. Which you were told.

You need to direct your anger elsewhere imho.
2 Feb 2010
East Midlands
What exactly did you want or expect the doctor to do? The best thing for you was to stop smoking, which he told you. You ignored his advice and carried on.

I don't understand your vitriol towards him.

You need to take a bit of responsibility for your own actions and concentrate on getting as healthy as possible now.
12 Feb 2014
Somewhere Only We Know
What exactly did you want or expect the doctor to do? The best thing for you was to stop smoking, which he told you. You ignored his advice and carried on.

I don't understand your vitriol towards him.

You need to take a bit of responsibility for your own actions and concentrate on getting as healthy as possible now.

Yeah ok to stop smoking, but it wouldn't of cured or helped with the issue I was having would it ? and didn't offer any help either, was that a professional approach to take ?

Would you accept that from your doctor if you went to them with a serious illness ? them basically telling you to man up and get out !!! I don't think so, its not only smokers who get COPD, anyone can get it.
Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006

Yeah right dumb hey...….and that's just one story.

Heres another: https://metro.co.uk/2018/03/25/coul...d-hes-already-spent-1-5m-on-research-7266643/

Oh yeah.....im a doctor too, easy to say hey !!!

And you idiots for one second think that gives the doctor 3 years ago to **** me off ????? I pay his god damn wages, you lot sound like a bunch of doll dossers scrounging off the government too, oh yeah, if you are, I pay your money too, never been a day out of work since I left school unless it was a booked holiday, so why the hell am I not entitled as much as the next person to health care ?????????? DICKS !

The appointment with the nurse on the 3rd is to make sure im using the inhaler correctly, nothing important to me, especially when I used one in my younger years when I had the Asthma which I outgrew.
With each post you sound more and more like an angry simpleton. That’s fine, but at some point you will need to take some responsibility for your life and not seek to blame the medical profession who are the people you need to help you. Hope you grasp that and get yourself fitter. If you know best, why bother with doctors?

Doll dosser moi, well that’s a first wahahaha
Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006
Would you accept that from your doctor if you went to them with a serious illness ? them basically telling you to man up and get out !!! I don't think so, its not only smokers who get COPD, anyone can get it.
Well you did and now 3 years later you’ve had a wake up call. Id have dealt with it 3 years ago. The VAST majority who get COPD are smokers, just more self justification and deflection. Likelyhood is you did it. Accept that and put that right. Good luck.
2 Dec 2009
Yeah ok to stop smoking, but it wouldn't of cured or helped with the issue I was having would it ? and didn't offer any help either, was that a professional approach to take ?

Would you accept that from your doctor if you went to them with a serious illness ? them basically telling you to man up and get out !!! I don't think so, its not only smokers who get COPD, anyone can get it.

Actually, quitting smoking would stop further damage from occurring, so yes, it would definitely help. Smoking also makes you more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections which will magnify the effects of the COPD.

As for your question, my own mum (57) was diagnosed with stress-related IBS and sent on her merry way. A week later she was in hospital having suffered from Pleural Embolism(s) hours from death, caused by a large tumour in her abdomen. She isn't holding the NHS to ransom or to blame, she is happy they are providing her some treatment and hopeful for a cure now. Life lesson here is to pick your battles, don't bite the hand that feeds you your metaphorical medicines - you need the NHS on side.
Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006
Actually, quitting smoking would stop further damage from occurring, so yes, it would definitely help. Smoking also makes you more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections which will magnify the effects of the COPD.

As for your question, my own mum (57) was diagnosed with stress-related IBS and sent on her merry way. A week later she was in hospital having suffered from Pleural Embolism(s) hours from death, caused by a large tumour in her abdomen. She isn't holding the NHS to ransom or to blame, she is happy they are providing her some treatment and hopeful for a cure now. Life lesson here is to pick your battles, don't bite the hand that feeds you your metaphorical medicines - you need the NHS on side.
Wise words

Deleted member 651465


Deleted member 651465

Probably best we leave this here if people are going to get their knickers in a twist.
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