just bought my first guitar...

Andelusion said:
The thing is you're constantly learning on the guitar, you cannot possibly come to a point where there isn't something new to learn, just like with any musical instrument. So yeah you reach plateaus where for weeks nothing improves, but eventually you break out of that, it never stops being challenging so it never stops being rewarding either :)

Yep! The more you learn the more you know you don't know, but it's still as gripping as ever many years down the line. I love it.
alexthecheese said:
It doesn't look too bad, but that could definitely come down a mm or so at the 12th fret and still be perfectly playable. I'd still give it a couple of weeks and then go back and have it set up if I were you though, to let it bed in as they say.

yup thanks for the tip

alexthecheese said:
Yep! The more you learn the more you know you don't know, but it's still as gripping as ever many years down the line. I love it.

I know how it is...practice practice practice :) i love it already.,...i think i'm in love, seriously.
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