just breaking, new sven scandal

22 Aug 2004
just on skysports news now, hes named a number of clubs in the premier league that are corrupt, he names specific teams with specific problems! no names yet tho! :eek:
yes! its well scary tho, he gave three specific instances, he says

one club thats struggling in the prem league at the moment is the worst for taking back handers.

one huge club has a manager involved in a massive transfer scam

a third club takes huge transfer payoffs for club bosses

its further stuff from the tape, just on sky sports now
Surely it depends if this is true. Now if he knows about it why didn't he go to the FA, or do the FA know.

I can't really see Sven staying, but who would you replace him with?
Sven is shooting himself in the foot at the moment and if it wasn't World Cup year, I'm sure he'd have been given the boot, but I feel it will be detrimental to our chances if we have to get a new manager in at this stage of the year.

He should just try to keep his mouth shut, until the tournament is over, then he can do what he wants.

Having said that, I just hope Arsenal aren't one of those teams, especially after the George Graham fiasco.
This is very interesting indeed, however I have a fair idea as to who the teams are.

But i'll keep my opinons to myself for now, as i think its wrong to speculate.

Sven really is not cut for the job, he is not a great manager - even if we did win the world cup, i dont think he would feel the 'joy' as of an englishman.

And if we dont win it, which i cannot see us doing to be honest, Sven will just go....great.
don't really see why he'd be privy to more than gossip to be honest. I'm sure if it was common knowledge there would be at least one rival manager in the top flight who would come forward about it. My personal bet is he names 3 clubs, the papers have a field day, he has jack evidence and then nothing happens. He loves publicity and he loves making himself seem in the know. If there's anyone who i would think likely to succumb to corruption it would be Sven tbh.
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