Just connected to O2... omgomgomgomgomgomg

8 Sep 2005
Ok ok, maybe it's a little sad that i'm THIS excited, but I have what anyone would deem a crappy line. I have had a 2MB fixed ADSL line now for about a year and a half that topped out at 220kb/s and that was rock stable. However, I had previously tried ADSL MAX a while back with a crummy company and found it to be shockingly unstable... and that was with a Belkin 7633 router with the broadcom chipset, known for being good with bad/long lines. It could have just been a tragic ISP, but it made me re-consider ever using anything but regular fixed ADSL on my line.

However a couple of weeks back I then decided to re-try MAX using ADSL24, which to be fair are an awesome ISP, and found it a much better experience than previously. I topped out at a 2.5MB profile speed and seemed to hit around 280kb/s. So far, so good.

I then thought "Meh what the hell, lets go with O2" as I have a phone contract with them and it is dirt cheap. I'm not exactly sure what I was expecting but it was nothing close to this! I have just done a speed test and got a download speed of 411kb/s and upload of 100kb/s... 3300kbs/800kbs respectively... (the router itself reports 3800kbs/980kbs) and while that may not seem much to some of you, it's effectively 2x the speed i've been getting for a loooong time, and is way beyond my intial expectations. I'm using the O2 wireless Box II (effectively a re-branded Netgear DG834G).

I'm just praying my line manages to hold this speed throughout the "testing" phase of the contract. :D
Nice. Im moving to either O2 or Be in June once my exchange goes Live. Probably go with O2 cause i can just get a PAYG sim and get the lower price and just topup every 3 months. Are they only shipping the Wireless Box II now? Hopefully ill get the one you got.

I should get around the same speed as you too. I currently get 2-2.5mb on ADSL24.
Hmm no idea if that's all they're shipping... I would imagine so though. Wasn't the old one a Thomson? I really hope it stays a consistent speed for the 2 weeks *prays*
Also considering leaving Aquiss for them in June (only because BT have not set a WBC date). Currently have 18dB attenuation so should see 16Mbps+.
Hmm would that be because... and I don't want your brain to explode with the realisation of this... you have a good line?:eek::D

If it helps, My G/F has a downstream attenuation of 9 and they can only get 200kb/s :o

For comparison, mines 22 and I get the full 16mb ;)

Download Speed: 13573 kbps (1696.6 KB/sec ) Upload Speed: 627 kbps (78.4 KB/sec ) ;)
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Ooh sounds good...
I am upgrading soon to either o2 or sky.
I would like more than 400kb/s however, my line is supposedly being activated on 30/04/08 so all will be revealed then hopefully.
Guys just out of curiousity... after the 14-day "training" period does your line then stay permanent at whatever speed it settles on... or can it still go down?
I left BT as they buggered my line & went to adsl24 onto their upto 8mb service & found that line was still iffy so I dropped to *** 2mb fixed with them & I stayed on that till last month... anyway I still thought my line would be naff but off to O2 I went mainly out of cost but hey connected at about 14560 normally so its nice also the upload is great aswell so maybe my line is nice after all. I'm not using their router as it drops to much so using a modded sky one now as my old 834g V2 wont work correctly. O2 *** :D
Guys just out of curiousity... after the 14-day "training" period does your line then stay permanent at whatever speed it settles on... or can it still go down?

Can still go up and down from what I heard depending on conditions.

I also know that if you unplug and replug in the router it will drop the speed down as the exchange thinks you have had a disconnect or something....

How longs your line?
Can still go up and down from what I heard depending on conditions.

I also know that if you unplug and replug in the router it will drop the speed down as the exchange thinks you have had a disconnect or something....

How longs your line?

According to Samknows... http://www.samknows.com/broadband/checker2.php

You are approximately 3.44km from the exchange. Note that this is the straight line distance - the actual cable length will be longer!

So is there a chance it can go back up though even after the network lowers it due to thinking there's a problem?
According to Samknows... http://www.samknows.com/broadband/checker2.php

So is there a chance it can go back up though even after the network lowers it due to thinking there's a problem?

Me believes so. If your line has no errors at this speed it will set it as the MSR (Maximum Stable Rate)

If it gets bad one night and it drops it should eventually return to the MSR but this take a while I BELIEVE.

I read up on it all when I moved from G.DMT to ADSL2 and again kind of recently.

What router have you got now?

EDIT: Seen O2 Wireless Box, this means you can't get detailed line stats :(
That's due to living less than 300 metres from the exchange and a brand new bit of copper between my flat and the telegraph pole :p

I suspect if i bothered to play with the SNR i'd get the full 24meg
That's due to living less than 300 metres from the exchange and a brand new bit of copper between my flat and the telegraph pole :p

I suspect if i bothered to play with the SNR i'd get the full 24meg

even better with my 78 metres from the exchange.
Only problem is I'am going to have to wait for 21CN PSTN switchover target: Q2 2009 as I can only get 8 meg line from my telephone exchange:(
even better with my 78 metres from the exchange.
Only problem is I'am going to have to wait for 21CN PSTN switchover target: Q2 2009 as I can only get 8 meg line from my telephone exchange:(

PSTN is the phone line switch over date. WBC is for ADSL2+ via BT.
and 21CN WBC status:
Not available is a bit disappointing.
Guys just out of curiousity... after the 14-day "training" period does your line then stay permanent at whatever speed it settles on... or can it still go down?

If it's o2 it's using Be's ADSL 2+ service rebadged, so it doesn't really have a 'training period' or make use of BRAS profiles in the same way as BT's ADSL Max service. The speed goes up and down all the time and you always get whatever speed you're connected at.

edit: Thought they do use line managment for two weeks. Apologies for the misinformation.
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