Just google it................

27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur
Proberbly gonna get flamed but what the hell,

wondering around the forums of late I'm starting to notice a big increase in posters whos most intelligent reply to a technical query seems to be "Google it", am I the only person that find's this extremely annoying and unhelpfull, surely practically all technical queries could be answerd to some degree by Googling but don't that defeat the whole idea of these forums, I just don't think it gives out a good impression of Ocuk forums when a New member comes on asking a simple technical question and his first reply to his/her thread is "google it newbie", these people are looking for help from the Ocuk community not google, this is not directed at everyone as I know some regulars on here do a fantastic job at helping new and old members with thier technical problems.
It depends what the query is and also to a certain extent how long someone has been here, if they are new then I'll normally make the effort to find the links on Google myself and post them or a condensed version of what they say but if someone has been here for a long time and I think they are just being lazy I am more likely to consider just give them a couple of pointers for their search and let them get on with it although I think that is probably still quite rare from me.

Obviously if I know the answer then I'll just post it to save the hassle but in some cases I don't know enough about the solution to a problem in technical detail so I'd have to read the solution, digest it and repost it rather than the poster simply going straight to the source. :)
I'm a PC new person, how can i find the address for this google thing everyone talks about. I reaaaaaaly want to investigate !
melbourne720 said:

"Just google it" is a bit lazy IMHO. Why post at all if that is all you're going to respond with?

So is posting on a forum asking a question that you can answer yourself in 2 seconds using either a search engine or 8/10 times the Search feature on these forums.

Its the original poster's laziness to begin imo.... Firefox comes with a google search as standard, so again if you're on Firefox its not far to look is it?.....

Just playing devils advocate, there's always 2 sides... ;)

If they know enough to register and post on the forums, its likely they are capable of finding the relevant Search (forum or search engine).
ill tell you this for free

some are a bit silly though... others arent...

like silly questions "how do you boil a kettle...?"...GOOGLE IT!!!!

questions that require some sort of intelligence to answer will probably be answered in the forum.

although i do agree that people shouldnt just post saying google it to be clever... what is the point of posting "google it"..if you get me
lemonkettaz said:
ill tell you this for free

some are a bit silly though... others arent...

like silly questions "how do you boil a kettle...?"...GOOGLE IT!!!!

questions that require some sort of intelligence to answer will probably be answered in the forum.

although i do agree that people shouldnt just post saying google it to be clever... what is the point of posting "google it"..if you get me

It has the same validity as the " xxxxxx " question.
Where xxxxxx is any silly question someone chooses to post....

I get valid questions that people really can't answer, but some really do take the biscuit.
Say nothing..........

Have a biscuit.... i got a few left still..... ;)

t31os said:
Just playing devils advocate, there's always 2 sides... ;)

If they know enough to register and post on the forums, its likely they are capable of finding the relevant Search (forum or search engine).

Good point, it isn't as simple as I made out, apologies.

Being able to know enough about the problem to accurately search for it, is a skill in itself. We are in danger of forgetting how little the man in the street knows about the inner workings of a PC.
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