Just got a 32Gb Touch...tips?

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
Just got back from Holland and brought back a completely un-needed pressie for myself in a 32Gb Touch. :p.

Few questions though:

The USB cable for it, how do i remove it from the touch without it feeling like im damaging the touch?
My 60Gb 5g USB cable has two buttons that i press in to release the notches on the connector, but the cable for this touch has no such mechanism?

Any good apps for it around?

Any other tips?

Thanks in advance all. :).
I don't have one, but I guess you would just pull it out if there is no mechanism.

Oh and for jailbreaking, check out Justin's sticky.
Have a look at the iPhone sticky, most of the stuff applies for the iPod Touch too.

Not sure what you mean about the connector, but I doubt you can damage the iPod with it.
The Touch cable is yank-able, gone are the days of the fiddly buttons!

MobileScrobbler is an app you'd enjoy. :p
So just yanking it out is fine then?

Quite pleased with it thus far.
Its taken me all of 10mins to set it up with my 'phone' gmail account and with my WiFi here.

Tbh, for my uses, its completely pointless for me.
My 60Gb was doing me fine for my mostly 15-20min journeys in my car.
But i had some money to burn, and the 32Gb one looked nice. :p.

Got a leather belkin case for it when i bought it from the airport, came with a screen protector. Unfortunatelly, im useless with screen protectors, so it looks a bit dodgy. :p.
32 GB iPod touch should sell like hot cakes. The great interface with a middle of the road capacity. I would have one if I didn't have the phone!

Get some pics up mate. TTIUWMP. :p
I was initially quite scared by the cable that came with my iphone, older cables have the buttons but if you look carefully at the teeth you can see that on the new cable they are ot barbed in the same way as on older ones, meaning you can just pull it out.

Looks the same as any other itouch :p
Why do you have an iPod Touch and a iPod Classic?

I got the classic first before xmas as my iriver was a bit old in the teeth.

Started a new job after xmas and I found that the journey was much easier with watching some tv that i didn't have time to watch anymore, 45mins commute each way was perfect for 1 episode each. The classic's screen was just too small, so i got an itouch.
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