Just got back from OcUK Track Evening

Yup just got back myself and I can say that my outing in the OcUK Radical is one of my best life experiences yet when it comes to cars and technology, thanks Mark. :)

The cornering speed of the Radical is absolutely awsome, it made the Westfields look like they were standing still on the bends. I also think the Radical was also the fastest straight line speed car there too as we had no problems flying past the TVR's and remember the Radical was just been run in. Back to the cornering speed anyway, just awsome, at first I could not believe how quick we were going round corners and neither did the other drivers on the track. :D
Originally posted by Sundance Kid

It's the Stig!!!!!;)

Suddenly it all makes sense
Shame about the rain :(. I couldn't make it to this evenings session as I got stuck at work :(. I look forward to the Monday session! What time are you aiming to arrive Spie?
Originally posted by Optika
Shame about the rain :(. I couldn't make it to this evenings session as I got stuck at work :(. I look forward to the Monday session! What time are you aiming to arrive Spie?
I'll be there from about 7am. Out on the circuit by 9am :)
All it needs now is a good wash with Meguiars Gold Class Car shampoo and waxing with Meguiars Gold Class Paste Wax:)
and this baby will be like a mirror-like shine on its next track day.

O i allmost forgot
Spie dont forget the TYRE SLIK :D :D :D



/me wishes he could get to donnington on Monday, stupid work and couple of hundred miles.....

Keep us all posted Boss, I will make it to one of these track days soon :)

Yup you can over-take on the left and on the straights are the rules and thats Mark making that car look like it was standing still. Mark also flew round some cars on the outside of the bends the handling was that good. :eek:
Spie... Check with the guys at donnington about mounting the camcorder... When i went a year ago they pulled 2 guys in Skylines for having a camcorder on...:( I will be there on monday... A Bloke i know Tim In his Nur Spec R34 and a few others know as The Option Drift Club? :D Should be a nice day out... even if it rains...:(
At the moment I am blessed with a brand new Corsa 1.2l shed on wheels. Mines in the bodyshop have some faint scratches and rust repaired and a couple of ickle body mods. :)
Should get it back this weekend as this Corsa is absolute trash.
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