Just got Hitman : Bloody Money

3 Oct 2004
All i can say is.. its damn hard! Only on the first proper level (after training) and im struggling! Got a light problem, seem to be getting green and blue artifacts all over my screen! Any ideas? Ive updated to lastest patch as well. Dont get it in any other game either.
Downloaded latest drivers and its still the same. On the 3rd level now but it just crashed? :(

Keeps crashing back to desktop now.. Any ideas? :(
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theres a documented bug with blood money and xfire, it doesn't like xfire's in-game messanging and bombs everytime the level loads.

what gfx card you using?

Siders77 said:
OT but:


Mate keep the pointless spam to yourself, it's very irritating and this isn't the off-topic section.


To the OP:

What GPU have you got?
Hi guys, my spec is as follows:

Athlon 3200+ XP 64
1.5gb Ram
GeForc e 6600GT

Hope that helps.. Its only this game i get artifacting on and its only this game and farcry which crashes me back to my desktop. All my other games work fine. Its rather annoying not being able to play a game after i just forked out money for it :( BF2, GTR, Toca Race Driver 3, etc all work ok. None of my Steam games crash either.. I just dont get it :(
well it runs fine on my dual core with no issues, other than it not keeping saves when you have to quit out :mad:

Did you have the trouble without the patch or did you patch straight away?
MNuTz said:
well it runs fine on my dual core with no issues, other than it not keeping saves when you have to quit out :mad:

Did you have the trouble without the patch or did you patch straight away?

do u actually read the warning msg's when u quit ? its deletes any saves when u quit on purpose for some reason
DJammyRasta said:
do u actually read the warning msg's when u quit ? its deletes any saves when u quit on purpose for some reason

Yes i read the warnings, my point was that that was my only issue with the game.
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