Just got Hitman : Bloody Money

I didn't find it too hard - playing on Normal, it just right for me. Just takes a bit of thought, care, patience and observation.

I'm on about the 8th Mission, I've never been spotted once by any witnesses, police have no idea what I look like :cool:. I've not been bothered about getting the 100% accident rate - I prefer the silenced pistol approach, and just don't leave any witnesses. If anyone sees me, I make sure they don't live to tell the tale...

But I think its fantastic the ways you can approach the missions in a variety of ways...my only complaint is that I've only found 2 situations where its possible to use the Sniper Rifle...
I've been through a few times now, I can't get enough of it.

Like Matmulder, I'm a silenced-pistol man. I take out anyone that needs taking out, take out anyone that could be a witness or walk in on me, take out anyone that looks like a clown.

Agreed on the sniper rifle comment, it's not used as much as it could be.
Im a piston person as well! :D I couldnt be bummed with that hospital level so i literally killed EVERYONE in the level lol :p But i replayed the vineyard level and got thru it by killing 3 people! 2 of them were the people your meant to! :D
Sorted my problem with the artifacting. Was because the shadow quality was on full! Wierd huh! Completed the game now. Replaying a new levels trying to just kill the people your meant to! Managed to do the vineyard level without any shots being fired and just killing the two people! I love this game! :)
I'm stuck on the third level...
Can't work out how to kill the American bloke in the box with loads of armed guards.
Any clues?

The second level took some serious work, after killing the don (pushed him out the window) I had 10 guards run at me, *pulls out machine gun* :D
Might play it again and see how effiecient I can be
Most of the levels in this game require you to get the timing right and a correct sequence of events. Once you know what order things happen in you can arrange the correct deaths =]

My first suggestion is to try wandering around levels and learn what goes on, watching the map is extremely useful too!!
Managed to do it in the end. Only fire 5 shots.

Now having some trouble with the hostpital/morgue one. :p

*tries to learn map a little*
SgtTupac said:
Im a piston person as well! :D I couldnt be bummed with that hospital level so i literally killed EVERYONE in the level lol :p But i replayed the vineyard level and got thru it by killing 3 people! 2 of them were the people your meant to! :D
i only killed 2, and used 1 sedate syringe thing. easy enough.

also, if its crashing on the opera level, open dxdiag and set sound acceleration to basic. stopped it crashing for me
There are 12 missions, and I spent roughly 1-1.5 hours on each - but that was on Normal Difficulty, and aiming for 0 witnesses each time so my notoriety never left 0.

Of course, if you just blast your way though, you could do it in a lot less than that - but thats spoiling the fun, IMO.
Yeh I imagine I'l be a good while completeing this game. Initially it could be quite quick. But played through properly staying stealthy should be a challenge :)
PinkFloyd said:
I'm stuck on the third level...
Can't work out how to kill the American bloke in the box with loads of armed guards.
Any clues?

The second level took some serious work, after killing the don (pushed him out the window) I had 10 guards run at me, *pulls out machine gun* :D
Might play it again and see how effiecient I can be

My way of doing this level is pretty good. Can get away with only using one shot as well! All the rest involves wire neck breaker thingy! I used the sniper rifle to take out the american bloke from up the top! If you goto the roof there is a gap. Dont go down it but crouch instead! You can just about get him and you wont get found out either! :)
Can't find where you are sugesting to hide, any chance of showing it on the map?
Everytime I go high up they see me soon as I pull a gun out.
Killing the singer without being seen is so easy though :)

This level with all the people dressed as birds is doing my nut in, can't find a way out, the exit is blocked :(
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