Just had a good night with "Barbara Hilary" - 56k No.

Seeing as R124 is away...

sorry if these are noob questions but is it an automatic? and how does it limit you to 60mph, can you just keep your foot on the floor and it electronicaly limits you?

Semi-auto, and yes.

Also, the green crescent on the inside of the rev counter - does that represent peak torque?

Peak efficiency, so torque and economy.

What's the configuration of the engine? Looks like it has 2 cylinder heads from that engine pic.

12 litre V8 as I recall.

Top pics mate, nice to see a truckie that takes pride in his job. I see too many today who consider themselves just scaled-up taxi drivers. Hope it continues to go well for you.
sorry if these are noob questions but is it an automatic?


how does it limit you to 60mph, can you just keep your foot on the floor and it electronicaly limits you?

Yes, its an automatic, although you have to use the clutch to pull away & reverse.

Its limiter works via the fuel pump, once it reaches 89KM/H it will go no faster no matter how hard you step on the gas.

It will increase speed down hill.

What's the configuration of the engine? Looks like it has 2 cylinder heads from that engine pic.

It has individual heads for each cylnder!

Its an in-line 6 not a V8 alas.

Shot was probably taken when idling?


Wrong stance

Looks a proper beast though

Does the corner mirror get annoying when you're driving? I imagine it might be a bit distractikng.

Not sure about the stance mate. :confused:

As for the mirror, it only annoys you when your turning in a very tight space & it gets in the way as it sticks out a tad. I've not ripped one off - yet! :D

Cool pics :D

At the risk of being run over it's funny that cars get a cup/bottle holder and the truck one is for a 2 litre family bottle ;)

And of course mandatory eating loads of yorkie joke - why do they need air seats - fatties ;)


Truckers need more it seems, the air seat is to stop your back getting smashed to bits by the vibration from the very stiff suspension.

Makes me proud to be Swedish =D
I'm not surprised - if only the British still had such an industry. :(

I have more pictures, but was too knackered to upload them earlier, I'll do it later when I finish work.

Thanks for the replys. :)
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Was falling asleep after the 3rd photo, is there something particularly special about that lorry or am I mistaking it with ones you see everyday?
It's great having a proper trucker around. All those questions about trucks that we have as car drivers.....
Looks great! Not 100% but I dont think stobarts have their depo here in burton anymore, i didnt even realise they had been taken over!! Looks very impressive and from a vehicle graphics guy the paint/vinyl work looks awesome, I assume its vinyl mate and not painted? Perhaps you could confirm?
Nice paint on that beast. :cool:

Can I be a bit cheeky and ask what sort of annual wages you guys are on for driving those things?. Just curious!!!.

I've been driving fire appliances for about 12 years now, obviously not arctics, biggest I've driven is a Volvo FM12, this one:-


Usually drive either old FL6's or FM7's. :cool:
looks nice top pics as well

does it have a/c? whats is that no trailer abs warning all about?

my mate used to drive smaller 12 tonners he said air brakes are awful is this true?

That big light on the truck is made by Flexible Lamps and my mom was a manufacturing supervisor there for like 10 years :o There was Scania branded shipping crates everywhere - they were a big supplier.

What company made the trailer? As she thinks the small LED light on that could be one of theirs too.
Was falling asleep after the 3rd photo, is there something particularly special about that lorry or am I mistaking it with ones you see everyday?

So why post in the thread then, others (including me) are interested and don't need trolls like you to spoil it, if you don't like it, don't post, where's the hardship in that?
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