Just had my fiirst bike crash...my fault

9 Jul 2008
Was going to a mates house when I saw a moped hit a car...as I looked the car infront of me breaked (zebra crossing) and i went into the back of it at around 25/30 mph....I flew of the bike but all I could do was laugh.

I am fine appart of my ass being bruised.

I rode the bike home after.....but I think I bent the forks and maybe the frame.

My friend is coming to have a look at it tomorrow, see if its a write of or not.

The car has a TINY dent in the boot.
I hope you learnt your lesson. No excuse for going into the back of someone, you should always look where you're going in a car let alone on two wheels.
I hope you learnt your lesson. No excuse for going into the back of someone, you should always look where you're going in a car let alone on two wheels.

Its comments like this that I really dislike about this forum. Yes, you are correct, he should have been looking at the road, but he stated in the title that he was acknowledging that it was his own fault, so unless you thought he was flying through the air thinking "Yay, this is fun, I'll try riding with my eyes closed next", then you must realise that your comment is only going to make him feel worse about a situation that he must already be feeling bad enough for.
We all have at least one off mate, it happens. Hopefully you'll learn from any errors and stuff, I know I did when I binned my bike. Thankfully since then, I've not had any more accidents :).

Hope you're feeling better soon dude.
Its comments like this that I really dislike about this forum. Yes, you are correct, he should have been looking at the road, but he stated in the title that he was acknowledging that it was his own fault, so unless you thought he was flying through the air thinking "Yay, this is fun, I'll try riding with my eyes closed next", then you must realise that your comment is only going to make him feel worse about a situation that he must already be feeling bad enough for.

I'm sure he's not that much of a pussy.

I merely pointed out how foolish I think it is to not look where you're going whilst riding a motorcycle and that I hope he won't do it again.

I might have tried being sympathetic had someone have been hurt but luckily they weren't so I didn't feel the need to sugar coat it.
I am really annoyed at myself, as I just got my bike MOTed and Taxed after not ridding it for 3 weeks.

:( The worst news would be its writen off...my first bike.

It has been thru a lot :(

Been stolen once now crashed.........

boohoooooooo :(
Thats bad times. A moped driver collides with a car and in your shock you essentially do the same. If you see something like that you usually do find yourself a little less aware of whats going on around you as your fixated on that other event.

I cant fault you for that as I have seen it many times and its easy to do.

Sorry about the bike mate! Hopefully not too costly!
Glad to hear you are ok, bit sore but no significant injury thankfully?. As others have said, target fixation is a bitch. By the same token, as you have already said - lesson learned.

Hope your rubberneck heals up quickly [j/k] :p
I merely pointed out how foolish I think it is to not look where you're going whilst riding a motorcycle and that I hope he won't do it again.

You don't think the OP would have worked that out for himself then?

Hope the bike is salvageable, sounds like you got away very lightly (though I'm sure you are aching all over ATM).
Far more importantly, you're ok. :) Any bike can be replaced. I've no doubt you'll learn from this and be a better rider for it.
I just realised I was laughing as soon as I hit the ground until someone helped me up.

I don't recall much other than OH F*ck and hitting the car. me lifting out the seat and being on the floor laughing.

My leg and bum hurt like mad now....nice bruise :).

Well I just had a quick look and it looks like my exchaust managed to melt a big dent in my frame I think....I will show you lot a picture tomorrow, I can't decide if my forks are bent or not....worse case scenario...i buy new frame + forks...and rebuild the bike. (obviosuly with help from friend).

I hate myself for crashing, but it really made me feel alive and told my mum laughing. I am glad nothing worse happend as I hit him around a good 30mph. I think I pressed the brake like 1 meter before I hit him....

All feels so odd when it happens. You think you will be able to controle the situation...but really you just panic.

I guess I am glad I HIT the break....IF I DID...not sure to be honest
I think I bent the forks and maybe the frame.

i would be genuinley amazed if youd managed to bend the frame at that kind of impact speed on a dirt bike, if it was a road bike i might be a little bit worried, but not on a dirt bike, those long forks have a helluva lot of give on them before they reach the stage of transferring impact energy into the frame, to the point that it deforms.
I'm sure he's not that much of a pussy.

I merely pointed out how foolish I think it is to not look where you're going whilst riding a motorcycle and that I hope he won't do it again.

I might have tried being sympathetic had someone have been hurt but luckily they weren't so I didn't feel the need to sugar coat it.

Nowt like rubbing in someone's misfortune on the interwebs to boost your sense of superiority eh? :cool:

Glad you're ok dom. I've had a couple of near misses which could've resulted in a lot worse and I try and learn from them :S
i would be genuinley amazed if youd managed to bend the frame at that kind of impact speed on a dirt bike, if it was a road bike i might be a little bit worried, but not on a dirt bike, those long forks have a helluva lot of give on them before they reach the stage of transferring impact energy into the frame, to the point that it deforms.

Well they don't look straight...but my excause dented the frame :|
Its comments like this that I really dislike about this forum. Yes, you are correct, he should have been looking at the road, but he stated in the title that he was acknowledging that it was his own fault, so unless you thought he was flying through the air thinking "Yay, this is fun, I'll try riding with my eyes closed next", then you must realise that your comment is only going to make him feel worse about a situation that he must already be feeling bad enough for.

Well said.

Glad you're okay OP.
Not sure if I would trust my forks being straightend :/.

So my friend came over and told me I deffently need new forks
and little things like a new footpeg, breakleaver and sort the front panels out
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