just had my first accident :(

7 May 2004
So I was going 30 down a main road on my scooter. Some tripe decided to run into the middle of the road I did an emergency break but let go of my back break too quick and the moped came from under me and crack.
Banged my hand and knee up pretty bad and have a concussion but nothing broke.
I'm really shaken up by it though.

If any of you guys have had an accident how long was it before you got back on the horse so to speak?
In my experience (and everyone i know who rides says the same thing) you need to get back on as soon as possible so it does not eat away at your confidence.
As above really. I've have a couple of off's now. Best thing you can do is jump back on at the earliest opportunity, I did even with broken ribs, accelerating was more owwwwwww rather then weeee heh.

You'll most likely be a bit sore in the morning.
Thanks for the replies guys.
I'm ok just really sore at the moment.
The mopeds a police depot at the moment so will pick it up when the swelling on my hand goes down
its easy with hindsight

I did it the other day,the front went from under me,its only sheer luck I let go of the front brake in time n caught it,or id it be on my face,that was down to a plonker in a white van pulling out on me

hope the coppers aint charging you storage fees? you know what they are like
Got hit from behind couple years ago,few broken ribs and a nicely knackered ninja,got back on it as soon as I could,rest up and get better then when your moped is fixed (if roadworthy still?) get back on it and go for a spin..short at first if you're nervous..

Best of luck fella
As soon as possible!! The longer you leave it, the longer your confidence will get eaten away at.

This is coming from someone who smashed a dirt bike into a wall at 30mph, broke collar bone and 4 fingers. I didnt get back on a bike when I first could. Haven't ridden one in 6 years now. Probably never will again. Dispite the fact everything about the crash was my own fault :p
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Pretty much straight away, well, within a couple of days of stuffing it, left arm was in a cast & right hand & wrist strapped up, right knee swollen up so i couldn't bend me leg properly, so i just rested me foot on the top of the crashbars and went for a little wobble round the block as i didn't want the "fear" to build up.

Twas a bit bloody uncomfortable mind. :p
So I was going 30 down a main road on my scooter. Some tripe decided to run into the middle of the road I did an emergency break but let go of my back break too quick and the moped came from under me and crack.
Banged my hand and knee up pretty bad and have a concussion but nothing broke.
I'm really shaken up by it though.

If any of you guys have had an accident how long was it before you got back on the horse so to speak?

Had an accident a couple of weeks ago now. Still riding the insurance courtesy bike (unfortunately).

Was a pretty slow one, but hit the floor hard, had a 24 hour headache & every muscle in my body hurt for a few days.

Couldn't wait to get back on. Would have happily ridden mine away after trading insurance details if the rad hadn't been sick all over the floor. Think I had the courtesy bike 2-3 days after.
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crashes have never bothered me to be honest
I just get straight back on when I can. only 1 crash I haven't been able to ride home was
because of a broken collarbone.
longest from crash to back on the bike was 3 months, broke my collarbone
probably could have got back on a little sooner but the bike wasn't fixed.

it can also depend on how you see bikes, ie as just transport or there in your blood so to speak.
those that just use it as cheap transport etc can easily be put off when they have an off.
I did something similar but at a slower speed. Rode it the rest of the way to work and then to the garage with bent handlebars which was interesting!

If anything it's made me much more aware and cautious so not a bad thing. Hope you're on the mend and hopefully won't cost you too much to fix either.
Came off my first time at 50 going round a long sweeping corner one frosty morning. Got back on and rode to work. You'll get over it. Don't wait too long though. ;)
Get back on as soon as you are fit! :)

Pretty nasty crash myself, snapped femur and ulnar, couldn't walk properly for 3 months but wanted to get back on a bike asap :D
Also back on soon as.
My last one took a week, simply because that's how long the hire bike took to arrive.
Have my own bike back now and am blazing the trails just like before!
Glad to hear your OK, Remember it could always have been worse.

I had an accident back in April last year and fractured my wrist and forearm, didn't get back on the bike until September so 5 months, But was itching to get back on it (Couldn't afford too)

I took it very slowly and cautiously when I got back on the bike but am slowly getting my confidence back.
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