Just Passed!!!!

17 Mar 2006
I am so happy, I have finally done and passed my test. It was my first attempt and at first i was a bit nervous but then I chilled out and eventually passed with just 3 minors :D Majorly Happy in Ianville :D
Conversely, I failed massively :p

Well done :)

*wanders off to find some free time for another test*
Congrats :)

Heres to many years of happy motoring :D

How many lessons did you have btw?

What yout thinking about getting for your first car?
AcidHell2 said:
Now resist the urges to put your foot down when mates are in the car.

He has (or will have) a Mini. He's not going anywhere fast ;) :D

Congrats Huzeeee!! I know how much you've been looking forward to this!
[huzeeee] said:
I am so happy, I have finally done and passed my test. It was my first attempt and at first i was a bit nervous but then I chilled out and eventually passed with just 3 minors :D Majorly Happy in Ianville :D

Congratz dude - just remember two very important points my instructor taught me when I passed my test (many years ago)

1) The learning never stops

2) Dont worry unneccessarily about your own driving - watch out for all the other twonks out there ;)

Drive safe and have fun :cool:
Congrats!!!! :D

Stay safe, keep to your limits and be aware of other road users.

Driving is an ongoing skill that you only learn properly over time and with experience.

As my instructor said to me, many years ago when I passed my driving test "Just keep in mind, there is an idiot heading towards you around every corner".

Well done again. :cool:
Congrats Huz! I know how long you've been waiting for this!

Take it easy, and now! you can really learn how to drive!

Take care, enjoy and most of all have fun :)
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