Just posted on my estate's Residents' Forum...

9 May 2005
Can whomever is playing extremely loud 'rock music' turn it down? I'm at work across the river and can hear it. Thanks.

*replaces it with extremely loud two-tone*



DAvE18 said:
Residents forum, sounds pretty cool, wish we had something like that :p

Not cool at all.

We have two...The public one (which is mainly 'who is in my parking space?! zomgz!!!!!' and 'im thinking of buying...is the parking as bad as this forum makes it look?') and a private one (which is mainly 'there are some ruffians on the children's swings...I phoned the police five minutes ago AND THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING!!!! I PAY MY TAXES FOR THIS??')

To give you an idea of the attitude of most of the residents, last week I had to go down to the entrance and sign for a delivery. I had just woken up so pulled some jeans and a t shirt on.

Walking back up the stairs, I passed a woman who looked at me sternly and said 'if you don't leave now, I am calling the police. we have had enough of your type hanging around here!'

She looked a bit put out when I showed her my keys and let her know I've been here for nearly two years.

G-MAN2004 said:
Lol :p

Must be loud if they can hear it across the river!

I can whistle and a second or so later, I will hear the echo off the buildings on the other side of the river...its a wide, flat space...pretty good acoustically :)

penski said:
last week I had to go down to the entrance and sign for a delivery. I had just woken up so pulled some jeans and a t shirt on.

Walking back up the stairs, I passed a woman who looked at me sternly and said 'if you don't leave now, I am calling the police. we have had enough of your type hanging around here!'

She looked a bit put out when I showed her my keys and let her know I've been here for nearly two years.

Rofl - talk about neighbours not communicating / powers of observation.

Must admit though we dont really chat with our next door neighbours, their a strange couple (they probably think the same about us). However am sure every street / estate has the obligatory nosey individual you just dont want to spark a conversation up with :D
i went down to collect a parcel once in just my boxers, and only got a complaint from the postman even though i went past the whole of the flat upstairs on the way back up!

the other flats around you are too uptight :p
penski said:
I can whistle and a second or so later, I will hear the echo off the buildings on the other side of the river...its a wide, flat space...pretty good acoustically :)

Pretty poor you mean :p
Amoeba said:
Why not just respect that somebody is working and you are distracting him? :confused: Seems a bit rude..
Dont be silly take your sensible thinking away from OcUK :rolleyes: :p
So you play loud music and annoy your neighbours?

You are obviously cooler than even you can possibly imagine.

Oh and you start a thread on here telling us how cool you are, bet you wouldn't dare start one on the residents forum, those neighbourhood watch types can be pretty intimidating when they get together ;)

I have to admit, you've suprised me with a thread like this :confused:
Sweetloaf said:
So you play loud music and annoy your neighbours?

You are obviously cooler than even you can possibly imagine.
I've made my views on 'cool' plainly evident in the past. It is not a concept I relate to.

Oh and you start a thread on here telling us how cool you are,
Don't recall doing that...

bet you wouldn't dare start one on the residents forum, those neighbourhood watch types can be pretty intimidating when they get together ;)
I posted 'Its me. Is this more to your taste?'

For the record, I get on great with my neighbours

I have to admit, you've suprised me with a thread like this :confused:

Quality assumptions there.

Remember that to assume makes an ass out of you. Just you. ;)

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