Just posted on my estate's Residents' Forum...

Wow looks like I touched a nerve.

So if you weren't posting to look big and clever (wouldn't expect you to admit it), what was the reason for this thread?

All you did was what hundreds of chavs do each day from their modded Vauxhall Astras but from the comfort of your own home and it got on someones nerves, nice one.

Ok so I assumed you were above that kind of thing, my mistake, I'm an ass.
Sweetloaf said:
All you did was what hundreds of chavs do each day from their modded Vauxhall Astras but from the comfort of your own home and it got on someones nerves, nice one.

You would presume that Penski was playing music in the middle of the day (being as the guy said he was at work). Last I heard there was nothing wrong with listening to music in the middle of the day. 'Chavs' mostly drive around at night harassing people with 'bAssSsboXes', hardly the same thing is it :confused: .
I had a really long reply written out but accidently hit back and lost it and I can't be Harris'd to type it out again.

The basic jist of it:

The guy knew it was me.
I'm good friends with the guy who posted it.
I posted on the forum in question 'Its me. Is this more to your taste?'
For the record, I get on great with my neighbours.
I made the thread to share something which amused me.
I don't do ulterior motives.
I broke no laws.
Nobody else has complained.

So really what you've done is post a deliberately cryptic thread, which is essentially here to none other than bait people into arguing with you for 'disrupting' people when really it's only your friend that 'complained'. When said people start looking down on you for banging your banging ch00ns out of the window, you suddenly add information which makes everything look fine and dandy and makes the person who questioned you look like they're merely assuming.

Wow, you must have a very busy life style :)


p.s. use Firefox - not sure if other browsers have it as well, but if you accidently click Back after typing a reply, pressing Forwards again brings it back ;)
MoNkeE said:
So really what you've done is post a deliberately cryptic thread, which is essentially here to none other than bait people into arguing with you for 'disrupting' people when really it's only your friend that 'complained'.
Not really, no.

When said people start looking down on you for banging your banging ch00ns out of the window, you suddenly add information which makes everything look fine and dandy and makes the person who questioned you look like they're merely assuming.
Nope - information left out for brevity. The situation amused me but spending twenty minutes detailing the intricate nuances would be pointless. Further information added only after people made assumptions. If you care to look at the OP, it was the quotes around 'rock music' that tickled me, and the reason that I changed the genre.

p.s. use Firefox - not sure if other browsers have it as well, but if you accidently click Back after typing a reply, pressing Forwards again brings it back ;)

I'm posting from my phone which doesn't accommodate such frivolities. If you go forward, it will let you go back and keep form info...vice versa, it just reloads the page. The back button is also directly above the W/@ key (Vario II) and I have big thumbs. Epic fail.

Fair enough - didn't realise it was the Rock Music part that tickled your fancy :p I thought you were bigging up the fact someone 'complained' :]

And you're a more patient man than I am in regards to posting on a phone. I just don't have the patience!


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