I think the 360 is already out of date, if you buy a console you have to take it on face value and ignore the hype, I remember the ps2 adds, what was it, the third place, or something, the ps2 will be the center of your digital home - yeah right.
They've been saying the same about this gen of consoles, at the end of the day they are consoles which can play a dvd. While I type this on my pc, I've got fs2004 running in the background and I'm downloading as well. The pc is difficult to set up b and comes in trillions of varities (oops spelling) but thats its beauty, its almost al living thing, they are all so different at yet the same, you can give it your own character, people and life are about character and invention, consoles are bland and grey, you stick in a disc and play a generic game in a generic way, wow you can change the bit of plastic on the front.
sorry I got carried away a bit there, um I think consoles are boring and graphic power whether truely superior or not will only stay that way for six months. I would be tempted with a ps3 but I've lost confidence in sony they seem to be more hype than quality now and after that cd root kit debacle, doesnt that actually discourage people from buying a cd!
I saw cod2 on 360 and didnt htink it was as good as on my pc, superficially yes, but the textures somehow looked too perfect.