just read an article that said xbox 360 better than top end pc!

24 Dec 2005
They reckon that the xbox 360 is better than a top end pc with top end gfx hardware.

Is this true?
My mate has just bought an xbox 360 and he reckons it blows away gfx cards costing twice as much.

Is he right?

I said If that is the case why are people forking out hundreds on gfx cards?
They would just get an xbox instead.

Is the xbox overrated?
Generally, the xbox 360 is not quite as good as a top end pc, but that might change with the second, third etc generation on games, but of course, by that time a top end pc will be a lot better, so i think it will always just lag behind those really expensive top end pc's
half of the 360's success in comparison to a PC is that the xbox game is made to run on the hardware alone, making it a perfect match and so look very good. it cant be done on a pc given all the configs of hardware in different computers.
so to compare the 2 is worthless if you ask me.
It depends on how you look at it.

In one way, you've got the £280 console with the three cores and a next-gen ATI graphics chip in it. It can create very high detail games at almost constant framerates.

People will argue that it's easier to do that on a lower resolution it does it all at (1280x720), but that's a pretty high resolution really compared to the older resolution older consoles run at.

Yes, it's a lot less money than spending that on a high-end graphics card(s), but some PC gamers prefer the kind of PC games that you don't get on consoles, usually FPS / Strategy / etc, therefore they'll pay more, and are often happy to pay more.

Another argument is that you are saving a good amount of money buying a £280 360 over a £1000+ PC, but you've got to have a pretty good HDTV to play the 360 on, so that's going to cost you a lot of cash to take full advantage of the capabilites.

What I've seen is textures-wise, they're not quite up on par with the 360, but after seeing COD2 running perfectly on it, it just doesn't run anywhere near as good on my PC, and I spent nearly £800 upgrading it last year.

At the end of the day, the 360 will beat the majority of PCs out there. You'll get a lot more gamers here with top-end, £1000's worth of PCs in here as it's a hardware forum, but the general gamers out there, their PCs wont stand a chance against a 360. Of course you can get PCs more powerful on paper now, but you also need a lot of pieces of paper with the Queens face on it to get that power.
the whole price argument against the PC isnt really fair, the 360 is heavly subsidize, were every bit you buy for your PC some company is making money on it.

back to topic, No the 360 will not beat high end PC's
XPE said:
the whole price argument against the PC isnt really fair, the 360 is heavly subsidize, were every bit you buy for your PC some company is making money on it.

back to topic, No the 360 will not beat high end PC's

Plus you can do a hell of a lot more with a PC.
Well, if you want a reasonable comparason, according to the developers, Eldar Scrolls Oblivion will run as well on a 360 as a top of the range PC. (Sorry, can't find link)

The thing is, which is more powerful? The PC by miles, but you can get much more out of a console. I would say, at the moment, it is fairly close, unless you have an *uber* setup. But the real question is, does it matter?
A proper tend end PC (2*7800gtx-512 SLI / 2*1900XTX Crossfire) is better than an xbox360 when judged on merit (i.e. not taking price into account). The images are simply better than those displayed on the console because you can run higher resolution with higher levels of AA/AF.
so do you think the xbox will be left behind in say 6 months by top end pc's.
It seems to me you get what your given with the xbox 360.

Another thing this article said is that on the xbox the fx in cod2 are processed by one core making it look better and perform better than pc.

the new cod2 patch for pc dos this right?
I think the 360 is already out of date, if you buy a console you have to take it on face value and ignore the hype, I remember the ps2 adds, what was it, the third place, or something, the ps2 will be the center of your digital home - yeah right.
They've been saying the same about this gen of consoles, at the end of the day they are consoles which can play a dvd. While I type this on my pc, I've got fs2004 running in the background and I'm downloading as well. The pc is difficult to set up b and comes in trillions of varities (oops spelling) but thats its beauty, its almost al living thing, they are all so different at yet the same, you can give it your own character, people and life are about character and invention, consoles are bland and grey, you stick in a disc and play a generic game in a generic way, wow you can change the bit of plastic on the front.

sorry I got carried away a bit there, um I think consoles are boring and graphic power whether truely superior or not will only stay that way for six months. I would be tempted with a ps3 but I've lost confidence in sony they seem to be more hype than quality now and after that cd root kit debacle, doesnt that actually discourage people from buying a cd!

I saw cod2 on 360 and didnt htink it was as good as on my pc, superficially yes, but the textures somehow looked too perfect.
If you think about it they are making claims to be better than a pc or near to it. That in its self says to me "Its a second rate new product, that match what I have infront of me. Why change?".
From what I've seen the gfx on the 360 are pretty amazing, but then this is what you would expect from a next gen gaming consol. Wether the 360 as a whole is better than a PC is a difficult argument to make given the PC is so much more than jsut a gaming machine unless the full range of capabilities of a PC is taken into account any argument argument is pointless.

Dont forget the 360 wont be upgraded for a good while so even if they are as good, graphically speaking, now as a top end PC then in 6 months time they will have fallen behind again.

For me the argument is 'will the wife miss eastenders if I'm playing games?' well if I'm using the PC then no, so easy life for me and the PC as a gaming machine wins over a consol any day :D
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Seen a few things running on a 360 and I'm not overly impressed to be honest. The framerate on Quake 4 is dreadful and looks no better than on my pc. NFSMW has framerate issues as it does on the pc. Perfect Dark has no V-sync so tears like mad. Project Gotham looks nice but the textures other than on the cars are pretty low detail. Dare say it will look better when they get the hang of optimising it but by then, pc technology will have probably surpassed it anyway.
Definitely doesn't have the wow factor of earlier consoles compared to pc technology at the time.
The term "better" is too vague. Cost of buying, cost of games, avalibility of games, ease of use, online services, avalibility of demo games and life span of product are all factors in making something "better".

At the end of the day the PC and a console are very different products. It is a bit like comparing a motorbike to a car.
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Brand new Xbox360 = 300 squid + Samsung 32" LE32R41B LCD TV = 1200 Squids
Brand new top of the line PC, that gonna be out of date in 2 months and driver issues= 1800 squids (modest amount) without monitor, keyboard, mouse etc etc

You make the choice
Can we make it a banning offence to post these bloody stupid posts?

Only a muppet would compare consoles and PCs! PCs are a hell of a lot more versatile than any console so it depends on what your needs are.
Ain't so cheap when you add the HDtv eh

Yes, because the HD TV can only be used with the 360 and serves no other purpose.... oh wait! yes it does! Please can people drop this argument, it's hopeless - there's plenty of other better ones ;)

This argument is so pointless anyway. If you PC games, buy a PC, if you Xbox 360/console games, buy a console - and if you like both (like me) buy both.
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