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Just relised the pointlessness of it all - the 8800

8 Nov 2006
I have been drooling over these cards myself and have been seriously considering getting a GTS...

But, as its a DX10 card that is primarily what I want it to do well. But nobody can offer reviews run with DX10.

These cards might just land up sucking (although I am sure they probably wont), but nobody can really make any good guesses as to how well they will run dx10.

Sure, they might play DX9 games whole lot faster, but theres little point in that.

God, it is going to be hard to keep myself from buying one until R600, Vista and DX10 are out to get some real world feedback on how this card is going to fare in the future.
8 Nov 2006
Tute said:
They are amazing cards, no doubt, but in my own personal opinion, they are not worth the sky-high price they command.

Yeah, there is that. I think I would rather spend the money on a larger monitor. 17" just seems so small these days. But anything over 20.1" is, again, just ridiculously expensive. sigh.
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