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Just relised the pointlessness of it all - the 8800

8 Nov 2006
I have been drooling over these cards myself and have been seriously considering getting a GTS...

But, as its a DX10 card that is primarily what I want it to do well. But nobody can offer reviews run with DX10.

These cards might just land up sucking (although I am sure they probably wont), but nobody can really make any good guesses as to how well they will run dx10.

Sure, they might play DX9 games whole lot faster, but theres little point in that.

God, it is going to be hard to keep myself from buying one until R600, Vista and DX10 are out to get some real world feedback on how this card is going to fare in the future.
24 Dec 2005
ffallic said:
I have been drooling over these cards myself and have been seriously considering getting a GTS...

But, as its a DX10 card that is primarily what I want it to do well. But nobody can offer reviews run with DX10.

These cards might just land up sucking (although I am sure they probably wont), but nobody can really make any good guesses as to how well they will run dx10.

Sure, they might play DX9 games whole lot faster, but theres little point in that.

God, it is going to be hard to keep myself from buying one until R600, Vista and DX10 are out to get some real world feedback on how this card is going to fare in the future.

Don't hesitate.

These things rock :D
8 Nov 2006
Tute said:
They are amazing cards, no doubt, but in my own personal opinion, they are not worth the sky-high price they command.

Yeah, there is that. I think I would rather spend the money on a larger monitor. 17" just seems so small these days. But anything over 20.1" is, again, just ridiculously expensive. sigh.
6 Jun 2005
there is also the fact with a bigger monitor ( unless you go 17">>19" or 20>>22") you will get an increase in res which could possibly mean you need a better graphics card also

When I recently moved from a 20" to a 24" Dell I was flabbergasted to say the least - My new 2407 is stll the best buy in my whole rig below
23 May 2004
Tute said:
They are amazing cards, no doubt, but in my own personal opinion, they are not worth the sky-high price they command.

However, though, Consider ……

“HIS” ATI Radeon X1900 ICEQ3 SILENT Heatpipe ***Crossfire Edition £258.00

“HIS” ATI Radeon X1900 XT ICEQ 3 SILENT Heatpipe 512MB GDDR3 £240.00

Power supply: 700 watt seasonic £146.86

MSI K9A Platinum Crossfire MOBO £88.00

Total: £732

(All prices/products from Overclockers)

That’s what it would cost *ME* to upgrade to Xfire, since I don’t have an Xfire mobo etc, and over 600 watts is recommended for Xfire

A single Leadtek Geforce 8800 GTX 768MB GDDR3 will cost £487.61 including VAT. Maybe not as fast as the above setup, won’t be too much in it though. And consider the benefits of DX10 also...

All depends what you’ve got now, and what you’re upgrading from. It’s expensive, but so is the Xfire setup! - fair enough, you could get lesser priced XT1900's etc that would "Compare" but will still cost a fair amount :)

Last edited:
15 Nov 2005
Antx777 said:
However, though, Consider ……

“HIS” ATI Radeon X1900 ICEQ3 SILENT Heatpipe ***Crossfire Edition £258.00

“HIS” ATI Radeon X1900 XT ICEQ 3 SILENT Heatpipe 512MB GDDR3 £240.00

Power supply: 700 watt seasonic £146.86

MSI K9A Platinum Crossfire MOBO £88.00

Total: £732

(All prices/products from Overclockers)

That’s what it would cost *ME* to upgrade to Xfire, since I don’t have an Xfire mobo etc, and over 600 watts is recommended for Xfire

A single Leadtek Geforce 8800 GTX 768MB GDDR3 will cost £487.61 including VAT. Maybe not as fast as the above setup, won’t be too much in it though. And consider the benefits of DX10 also...

All depends what you’ve got now, and what you’re upgrading from. It’s expensive, but so is the Xfire setup! - fair enough, you could get lesser priced XT1900's etc that would "Compare" but will still cost a fair amount :)


Just remember a 600w+ psu is recommended to run a 8800gtx too, so the price difference isn't that much ;)
However, I'd always fastest single card over two slower cards as it saves the hassle of getting sli/xfire working properly in all your games.
27 Jan 2003
Chesterfield, UK
Gashman said:
in DX9 they do, but we know nothing about DX10 performance, they may be crap at it, remember conroe, brilliant in 32-bit, but not so hot in 64-bit :p gonna personally hold out too see what the red camp has to offer myself

Who cares. DX9 will be out for a very long time and to me the Improvement in IQ is worth the money.

The G80 is very programmable far more so than any card in the past. I'm 100% Nvidia will work wonders with this card. Its an Animal, grrrrr ....
8 Jul 2003
In a house
Gashman said:
and what if its crap at DX10? :confused: tons of people will be really naffed off when DX10 games hit the market

Not really as no ones bought them for Dx10 as its not about Dx10, its faster Dx9, its a single card that whoops Sli/Crossfire, why would ppl buy them for Dx10 when :-

A: Dx10 is not out for months, and can't be used till it is released, and when it is released, faster/better Dx10 cards will be out.

B: No one knows how the G80 will run Dx10.
5 Nov 2003
LoadsaMoney said:
B: No one knows how the G80 will run Dx10.

Thats the point of the thread. Unless you are going to go over to Vista when it is released then then it dosn't matter anyway. As an early adopter of DOS 5, windows 3.1, 3.11, 95, 95b, 98, 98SE and ME (and generally wishing I hadn't) I will stick with XP.

Since a single GTX runs slower than my X1900CF setup (and costs £10 more) I am happy.

PS. In 1998 I purchase the fastest 3D card available (16mb TNT) - it cost me £116
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