Just shot a family vacation entirely on film

The lab sent back the latest batch. Nothing too interesting in this lot except a couple of the kids and the dog which I’m pretty happy with, but I did test out a roll of the Fuji Superia 800 and the Kodak Portra 400VC to see how they held up considering how expired they are. I was pleasantly surprised with the Fuji, less so with the Kodak but it’s good enough for something I’m sure.

Exposure tests:

Fuji Superia Xtra 800, expired 2007 and stored in an under stairs closet since. Not refrigerated.
Shot with a Minolta X-700, Rokkor 50mm f/1.7.
Quite pleased with this, especially as I have another 19 rolls! It has a cyan cast in some lights, and needs 2-3 stops more light to get the best from it, which is still a useable speed. It responds well to flash too. I expected much more grain, but the properly exposed shots have similar or less grain than Kodak Gold 200 in 35mm for example.

Box speed (ISO 800)

+1 stop (ISO 400)

+2 stops (ISO 200)

+3 stops (ISO 100)

Some random examples metered at +2 stops (ISO 200)…




Kodak Portra 400 VC 220, expired 2003. As above, stored in an under stairs closet since around 2002 and not refrigerated.
Shot with Mamiya RB67 Pro S, Sekor C 180mm.
I didn’t bother to expose at 400 because it would have been predictably bad. It’s overall a bit flat, which isn’t surprising considering it’s over 20 years expired. It really needs +3 stops to get the most out of it so it’ll be of limited use outside a studio setting until the brighter days come back.

+1 stop (ISO 200)

+2 stops (ISO 100)

+3 stops (ISO 50)

Out in the wild, metered at ISO 100

And finally, some random shots using Kodak Gold 200 on the RB67, it’s awesome for £7 a roll in 120 format!


Got a box of Ektachrome for a decent price on eBay. An office supply company was selling it for around £20 less than the next cheapest retailer. I fully expected it to be new-old stock either close to expiry, or expired, but it is fresh with a 2026 expiry!

At £20 a roll for process & scan, plus the cost of the roll itself (~£15), that's a total of £35 per roll. On 645 in the Bronica (15 exp) that's £2.33 per shot. On 6x7 in the Mamiya RB67 (10 exp) it's £3.50 per shot.

On that basis I think I'll be saving this for special occasions and perfect light!

What about doing your own processing? Fancy doing that or have you had a shot at it?

I only ever did that once at college on a photography course many moons ago. It was interesting but, i prefer digital but only have my mobile these days....cameras have all gone.
What about doing your own processing? Fancy doing that or have you had a shot at it?

I only ever did that once at college on a photography course many moons ago. It was interesting but, i prefer digital but only have my mobile these days....cameras have all gone.
I really want to, but the cost of getting set up (inc. scanning) is putting me off. B&W processing can be economical but I shoot mostly colour. If film continues to increase in price (looks like another 10-15% increase in 2025) I may have to save analogue photography for special occasions rather than the ~80% of my photography it accounts for now, in which case investing in home processing becomes even less attractive. Part of me just wants to rationalise down to a FF digital camera like the Nikon Zf, but I’ve made the mistake of selling off my film gear a few times then having to re buy it at twice the price a few yers down the line!
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