Just the one genre

22 Sep 2006
Kent, England
If for whatever reason you could only ever listen to one genre of music for the rest of your life what would it be? Remember you would be stuck with it from now until the bright light at the end of the tunnel.

For me; and its fair to say I listen to most almost all genres and enjoy something from each, it would have to be classical. Nothing is more moving or emotive for me.
andy said:
house because i could probably stretch it out to cover most music :p

Which is exactly what I would have said about my chosen genre. I guess we all hear something different in the things we choose and enjoy listening to.
Hmm, that's a hard call. Probably rap, mostly because it comes in lots of different flavours rather than more "hardcore" rap like DMX, you can also get softer stuff like Kayne West, and even more jazzy stuff like Guru - Jazzmatazz. Plus I don't think I could live without the lyrical genius of Tupac :P

Although living without stuff like U2, Pink Floyd and the James Taylor Quartet would be harsh :(
He He, I thought about going a month of just listening to one genre but I wonder whether it would make you start getting sick of said one. I'm pretty sure you would soon want to hear something different no matter what you love.
Variety is the spice of life and all that..
Markatomic said:
He He, I thought about going a month of just listening to one genre but I wonder whether it would make you start getting sick of said one. I'm pretty sure you would soon want to hear something different no matter what you love.
Variety is the spice of life and all that..

Variety indeed, but given the extremes of the hypothetical situation, and that I have listened to trance for 80% of the past 9 years, I'll stick with what I love ;)
Trance and nine years... cant say I have ever listened to too much trance, some here and there.
Interested though, recommend something that a newbie trance listener might appreciate if you would matey.
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