Just watched Crash

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
OK. I was simply blown away by this film. Even if the whole emotional thing is not for you, the cinematography and acting were just outstanding.

Can anyone recommend any other films of this calibre? I know all the famous ones, but there must be other less-well known films like Crash out there.

The problem is with "recommend a movie threads" is people say the same things over and over. So can anyone recommend a REALLY good film which isn't well known. For example, Dead Man's Shoes is incredible yet no one has ever heard of it.

Now my A levels are over I have lots of time to watch all this stuff :D


PS... The racism/car crash Crash, not the weird sexual one :D
Thinking about it, the style of Lost in Translation is quite similar to that of Crash. I wonder if it was some of the same people involved.

What about Amores Perros? It's not exactly unknown but is similar to Crash in that it follows a few stories at the same time. I watched Little Miss Sunshine the other day and am on a recommendation-rampage for that as well. Great film
Scam said:
Thinking about it, the style of Lost in Translation is quite similar to that of Crash. I wonder if it was some of the same people involved.

What about Amores Perros? It's not exactly unknown but is similar to Crash in that it follows a few stories at the same time. I watched Little Miss Sunshine the other day and am on a recommendation-rampage for that as well. Great film
I also recently watched LMS, it was a great movie in a Napoleon Dynamite kind of way :D
American Psycho is one of my all time favourites, though not that many people seem to get it. At least 80% of the people I know think that it's simply a fairly sick slasher movie and are totally oblivious to the real story.
For cinematography and acting maybe try Collateral.
Also agree with suggestion of Lost in Translation
And Americal Psycho for that matter
Chrisp7 said:
A really great film with a similar multi story plot is Traffic, its not that well known.

You mean seven Oscar nominated, quadrupple Academy Awards winning, dual Bafta awarded Traffic? How does that fall into "not that well known category". :D
v0n said:
You mean seven Oscar nominated, quadrupple Academy Awards winning, dual Bafta awarded Traffic? How does that fall into "not that well known category". :D

lol, it did well but it seems that not that many people I know know about it!
El Laberinto del fauno :)

Different story wise but it does follow two entirely different worlds at the same time and does it very well.
Mr_Sukebe said:
American Psycho is one of my all time favourites, though not that many people seem to get it. At least 80% of the people I know think that it's simply a fairly sick slasher movie and are totally oblivious to the real story.
I've got that on my rental list. I've read the book and am not really sure how on earth they could translate the 'sickness' of it into a film!
Raikiri said:
El Laberinto del fauno
Pan's Labyrinth as most of us would know it. Very good film.
Mr_Sukebe said:
American Psycho is one of my all time favourites, though not that many people seem to get it. At least 80% of the people I know think that it's simply a fairly sick slasher movie and are totally oblivious to the real story.
One of my all time favourites too, and I totally 'get' it.

I think it's brilliant how they subtly convey the materialism behind the story throughout the film. Might watch it now infact, it's been a while.
Lost In Translation
Amores Perros
Little Miss Sunshine
American Psycho
Pan's Labyrinth (El Laberinto del fauno)

I'll IMDB them and consider renting/buying the DVDs.

It sucks. I actually have Amores Perros and a few hours ago my mate and I had sod all to do and were struggling to pick out a good film. We ended up with Silent Hill (which was fairly entertaining and damn right strange) but If I'd known Amores Perros was such a good film we'd have ended up watching that instead.
Have you seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind? I saw it ages ago at the cinema with a Gf at the time, thinking it was going to be a chick flick, I thought it was awesome in the end and she hated it :D

I've got it here and am toying with watching it tonight,
Crash is easily one of the best films I've seen in the last 5 years. The actual car crash scene is simply stunning, especially considering the back story of the two characters.

Off the top of my head, Casino Royale is the only film I've seen in the past year or two that I liked as much.

Pan's Labyrinth is also a great film, though I didn't actually 'enjoy' watching it as much as those two.
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