Just watched Crash

This is weird. Remember watching this at the cinema with my gf and we both agreed it was a very good film. We bought it for our parents that Christmas amongst presents, and they happened to do the same for us.

Never watched it again, don't think I'll ever want to. Can't really think why I'd want to bother seeing it again, but it was good at the time.
Tommy B said:
OK. I was simply blown away by this film. Even if the whole emotional thing is not for you, the cinematography and acting were just outstanding.

Can anyone recommend any other films of this calibre? I know all the famous ones, but there must be other less-well known films like Crash out there.

The problem is with "recommend a movie threads" is people say the same things over and over. So can anyone recommend a REALLY good film which isn't well known. For example, Dead Man's Shoes is incredible yet no one has ever heard of it.

Now my A levels are over I have lots of time to watch all this stuff :D


PS... The racism/car crash Crash, not the weird sexual one :D

good show! Watch Million dollars baby :)
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I've got down all the films in a list and I'll see what Choices/Blockbuster have in.
Hi everyone.

Been in Cornwall for the past few days so I didn't get a chance to watch anything until this evening. I picked up a load of the films you suggested, funnily enough a lot of them were only £3 in HMV's sale!

I've just watched Lost In Translation and whilst it doesn't really go anywhere, it is a beautiful movie. I suspect a lot of people will probably lack the maturity to appreciate it, but I personally really enjoyed it despite not being old or wise enough to relate to the beauty of the non-lust, platonic relationship it depicts. Also thought the performances were top notch. You've gotta love Bill Murray!

Tomorrow I'll watch Pen's Labyrinth and see what all the fuss is about :D

Cheers for the suggestions!
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Great movie and I think I saw that car crash movie your on about where people have a fetish for car crashes (lawl) seriously what the hell?
SK07 said:
Great movie and I think I saw that car crash movie your on about where people have a fetish for car crashes (lawl) seriously what the hell?

Yes. That really sounds like an Oscar winning film :confused:
Raikiri said:
Yes. That really sounds like an Oscar winning film :confused:


"Since a road accident left him with serious facial and bodily scarring, a former 'TV scientist' has become obsessed by the marriage of motor car technology with what he sees as the 'raw sexuality' of car-crash victims. The scientist, along with a crash victim he has recently befriended, sets about performing a series of sexual acts in a variety of motor vehicles, either with other crash victims or with prostitutes who they contort into the shape of trapped-corpses. Ultimately, the scientist craves a suicidal union of blood, semen and engine coolant, a union with which he becomes dangerously obsessed"

I rest my case.
Raikiri said:
Your case may be rested, but it's still wrong. He's talking about a completely different film ;)

Nope I said in my first post that Crash the 2006 film or w.e was a great movie then I went on about what the op said about the car crash movie of 1996. :)
I can highly 25th Hour directed by Spike Lee. Very good New York film. Edward Norton is excellent in it but Barry Pepper steals the show.

Also check out 21 Grams, good ensemble cast and emotive story.
Chojin said:
I can highly 25th Hour directed by Spike Lee. Very good New York film. Edward Norton is excellent in it but Barry Pepper steals the show.

"Do The Right Thing" would be my recommendation of any Spike Lee movie.

Also make sure you've seen "Magnolia" and "Boogie Nights".
Watched Fight Club last night for the first time!

Hilarious, dark and thought provoking but most of all, a really enjoyable film that didn't have me bored at any moment.

The freaky thing was as soon as I finished watching it, I turned my TV from the dvd player input to the TV and it was on TV!!
Magnolia is vaguely similar in style and a good film, although it may be too long for some and gets a bit ****ed up at the end.

If you want to see some good acting, check out a not very well known film called The Believer. The actual film isn't anything special, but Ryan Gosling gives an absolutely astounding performance, I can't remember the last time I was so impressed with a young actor. He literally carries the whole film and dominates the screen in most of his scenes. Storyline is vaguely similar to American History X in some areas.
Yeah I thought you were on about seeing it on TV. I saw the last half of it on TV and was reminded of what an awesome film it is. I think it's probably best the first time you see it though, when you don't really know what the **** is going on for the large part. Then you slowly realise and it's :cool:

It's a film I was a bit dubious about at first. With the title Fight Club I thought it would be a pretty shallow film, but it really blew me away.

Since you're taking film recommendations, I suggest V for Vendetta if you haven't seen it. It's a pretty well known film but I saw it having heard hardly anything about it, and thought it was brilliant. Natalie Portman too :D
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