Just watched Gone in 60 Seconds....

First time I saw Gone in 60 seconds was on the plane going to Florida in 2000 & as soon as it finished I was waiting for them to show it again :D

Loved it, pretty much a no brainer but good all round entertainment in my book.

Fast cars & Angelina Jolie...what more do I need??? :p
Sic said:
Gone in 60 seconds would have been good if it didnt have Nicholas "OMG-i-think-i'm-the-most-boring-man-on-earth" Cage in the starring role.

Indeed. He's actually quite good in Lord of War though. :)
Gone in 60 Seconds is pretty entertaining if you watch it not expecting too much.

Only DVDs I've been watching lately is the BBC adaptation of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe :o Got it for Christmas and it's easy viewing.
Spunj99 said:
Indeed. He's actually quite good in Lord of War though. :)

you're getting confused. Lord of War was such a good film that his sub standard acting wasnt as obvious. watch it again, he's still terrible.
Really not been blown away by a film in a long while, watched Good Will Hunting a few months back and thats somewhat inspiring. Think I need to watch Forrest Gump for about the 1000th time.

Top Gun is the only film that gets me everytime I see it.
Sic said:
Gone in 60 seconds would have been good if it didnt have Nicholas "OMG-i-think-i'm-the-most-boring-man-on-earth" Cage in the starring role.

Not quite as bad as "Eeeee, get ya 'ands off mar table"
I watched the entire Band of Brothers series a couple weeks ago in full Pro Logic surround sound. It was the first time I'd powered the surround sound up for about 5 years... so yes I guess you could say I was blown away!

The episode with all the tree bursts was vibrating the sofa! :D
Sic said:
hahaha, you're just wrong. he's the most woodenest actor ever.

Insanity and I'd have to nominate Keanu 'woodentop' Reeves for most wooden ever, Nicholas Cage is great, Con Air alone would be enough for me to rate him with that fantastic accent. How can you argue that "put the bunny back in the box" isn't cinematic gold? Nevermind that Snake Eyes and The Rock are also pretty good, Gone in 60 seconds is a film where you can disengage your brain for an hour and a half easily.
Sic said:
hahaha, you're just wrong. he's the most woodenest actor ever.

I guess you've seen Adaptation? How can you call him wooden!? He plays two completely different characters in the same movie and pulls both off superbly.
semi-pro waster said:
Insanity and I'd have to nominate Keanu 'woodentop' Reeves for most wooden ever, Nicholas Cage is great, Con Air alone would be enough for me to rate him with that fantastic accent. How can you argue that "put the bunny back in the box" isn't cinematic gold? Nevermind that Snake Eyes and The Rock are also pretty good, Gone in 60 seconds is a film where you can disengage your brain for an hour and a half easily.

yeah, Keanu Reeves is pretty awful...but Nicholas Cage has just been in so much stuff, and he's always the same mopey dreary boring git. even in con air he had no character.

Carzy said:
I guess you've seen Adaptation? How can you call him wooden!? He plays two completely different characters in the same movie and pulls both off superbly.

with the amount of money he's made, i'd hope he has been good in at least one film. i just cant believe he pulls off 2 characters in one film and then one in every other film he's done. veerd
semi-pro waster said:
I'd have to nominate Keanu 'woodentop' Reeves for most wooden ever...
There's an episode of Family Guy where Brian (the dog) goes to Hollywood and runs into Keanu Reeves at a party. He says a couple of things to him but gets no response, then a woodpecker lands on his head and starts tapping away. Brian says. "hey, do you know there's a woodpecker on your head?" Keanu replies, "Yeah, he does that every now and again."

Did you know he's related to Francis Ford Coppola?

Anyway, that doesn't mean he can act. Just look at Coppola's daughter in Godfather III :/

Anyway, I digress. That doesn't mean he can act, but these things do:

Matchstick Men
The Family Man
Gone in 60 Seconds
Con Air
The Rock

These films are good films. Even the action 'turn your brain off and cabbage for a couple of hours' are worth watching.
The Rock is awesome. As is Face/Off. They are his top two action films IMO.

He wasn't given much to work with in Con Air. The tough guy accent probably didn't help either. Wasn't his fault.

Also he's pretty good in National Treasure (fairly recent movie).
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