Just watched last LOTR again but....

I don't know why you'd want to know, but yes, I do. Well, I don't know if they count as the collectors' editions - I didn't get the box set, I got them one by one as they came out.
Toryglen-boy said:
Its simple ....

Frodo leaves because we was a ring bearer ..... didnt any of you read the book :confused:

thats why Galadriel leaves as she has Narnya, one of the elven rings of power, its also why Elrond leaves, and Bilbo, and Gandalf ...

if you read on about what happened at the start of the third age (this age starts at the moment the ring of power is destroyed) Sam leaves also and sails to the grey Havens many years later after his wife Rose dies ...

so there :p

Not to want to out-geek your geekiness but I believe Galadriel leaves as she is an elf - all elves were granted the choice to return to the undying lands in the west and live with the gods (just as celeborn, elrond and his suns, legolas, and all the other elves do). That is the choice Arwen refuses and so stays in middle earth and becomes mortal. Gandalf leaves as he is an istari - a creature created by the gods to assist in the fight againt morgoth/sauron (I think). The ringbearers also have to leave but I dont think it is ever actually explained why. I think it has something to do with elvish magic and the fact that elvish power in middle earth was ending, and so the ring bearers who have become affected by that magic must return to the magical lands, and leave middle earth to become 'un-magical'. Does that make sense? Who knows, its 2:41 in the morning and I have no idea what day it is! :eek:

edit: I think galadriel even fixes it for gimli to leave middle earth with legolas and live in the undying lands. There's something sinister in there I reckon...
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