About 5 years ago I had a trip to my local opticians, he noticed an issue in my eyes. I got an appointment with GP and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and sent to eye clinic ASAP. The woman who did the eye screening spent 30 mins taking photos of my eye and sounded some what happy how bad the bleeding was lol. Any way this was 5 years ago and apart from a month or so I've had treatment monthly so around 55 visits. This is mostly laser, around 30 appointments. 13 or 14 injections in my eyes, one vitrectomy and the rest consultant etc. Eyes ok ish now, been a few months without a bleed and waiting for next appointment to see if they are going to do a vitrectomy in the other eye, or if they are happy how it's going. I have two cataracts forming due to the treatment but nothing needed yet. Its been a long haul and not the end, but the cost of loosing my eyesight in one or both my eyes is far greater than a bit of pain now and then.