Justin Hawkings.... Eurovision!

Eurovision entrants for UK


Ok ok so i'm "ghey" and like watching this but look at our possible entrants. :D

I'd like to see Brian Harvey getting it the guy from Darkness could be a winner for the UK as recent years have seen rock acts doing well.

Disasters would be Harvey or Atomic kitten neither of whom can sing a note.
I think he's perfect for Eurovision, cheesy lyrics to go with his cheesy costumes. :D

EDIT: Looking at the other contenders it's very much a comeback gig.
How can Justin Hawkins be up for it? Doesnt he have a solo record deal?

Definetly has to be him though, faaaaaar better than any of the others in the lineup
Yeah me too. Everyone in the band were fonominal musicians and Justin had/has a simply fantastic voice.
Have a listen to clips of the entries here:


I have a feeling that the entry by Scooch (it pains me to say this) is the most Eurotrashiest one that might actually do best for us. Even though they may as well be rewinding 10 years with whatever Vengaboys inspired dance-pop that's supposed to be. Ugh. (Having said that, Boom Boom Boom Boom was a choon :cool: )
jas72 said:
Ok ok so i'm "ghey" and like watching this but look at our possible entrants. :D

I watch it too, its worth it just to hear Terry Wogan get drunker and drunker through the night lol

The problem with the darkness was, they took themselves seriously. Rather than being a parody of a rock band, which they could have pulled off for years, that Justin went up his own rectum. Shame really.

And who spells Beverly 'Beverlei' i mean, whats going on in the world??
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