Justin Hawkings.... Eurovision!

Yeah i think i seen an interview with him, when he leaned out his door to be sick and reversed over himself lol

Probably nothing to do with anything he had from the night before though lol :p
Cuchulain said:
He claims to have fallen out of the car whilst reversing and the front wheel went over his head *stifles laugh*

I cannot for the life of me envisage this
We know as much as we can know. Everything he said made sense. Why the hell would he try to run himself over to kill himself?
Gilly said:
We know as much as we can know. Everything he said made sense. Why the hell would he try to run himself over to kill himself?

To look like an accident? That month he had 2 failed suicide attempts, so it at least makes it look suspicious.

Anyway, I'm not suggesting I agree with the majority - but we just can't say what happened because we don't know and won't know!
I'm actually inclined to believe the **** (Brian, not Gilly :)) on that one thing. Apparnetly he dropped something out of the car, and bent down to pick it up and ended up running himself over that way.

Seems mildly believable to me - either way you gotta give the man credit for almost having a solid entry into the Darwin awards. ;)
There's no way that could be considered a suicide attempt, there are far easier ways to killing yourself than an elaborate plan to drop something out of a car and then fall under the wheels and be crushed to death. haha. :D
I'm stunned by this batch of artists. Usually the entrants from the UK have no prior mainstream background; all of a sudden this year we've got a bunch of well known names; and I can't figure out why.

I reckon Justin Hawkins / Darkness would be superb in Eurovision; like 'em or lump 'em they write a catchy tune, something that transcends the words and would get people 'rocking' along, particularly when you consider the general styles of Euro music.

Regarding Brian 'whoopsy' Harvey, no one seriously out to kill themselves would do it by running themself over with their car.. I mean come on.
Most unimaginative list ever. Haven't heard any of their songs but I hope it is Cyndi who ends up representing us simply because she is the only one who isn't a has-been.
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