K750i vs K810i / Pics & Mini Review

GeForce said:
@Osprey: I did the review with a K750i and a K810i simply because those are the phones I have :) It's mainly for people who use the cameras on their phones a lot and have had the K750i for a couple of years, and are looking at upgrading to one of the newer generation K-series....

Fair enough. If anyone is wondering. The camera on the K750i and the W810i is the same. Both phones use the same memory card type too. Which is handy. The extra the K800i/K810i camera has is 1mp more and a flash.
GeForce said:
Haha sorry I wasn't clear :D I was, as you've now worked out, referring to the mhz instead of ghz in your sig :)

Lol yeah had me chuckling though !

Sorry for the thread highjack!

Like the look at that headset mind would be a nice addition to the K810i.

Alex Slane
alexslane said:
Like the look at that headset mind would be a nice addition to the K810i.

Yeh it does look rather nice. Although would be better in black I reckon.

No joystick either, which is a good move by SE. Personally, I love the joysticks and have never had a problem with one (touch wood), but I know a lot of people were put off buying the K800i/K810i because of the joysticks and their reputation for going wrong.

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