Keep Me Occupied For A Few Weeks

25 Oct 2005
Hey guys,

As some of you know, my X1800XT is out of action and I am having to rely on an X300SE until I get hold of a replacement X1800XT or X1900XT. The thing is, this graphics card is absolutely pants and I cannot for the life of me find decent games that play well on it.

It plays Half Life 2 and Counter Strike: Source but only in like 800x600 if I want decent detail and framerate, and it naturally plays Uplink: Hacker Elite just fine as it's a 2D game. Anyone know any other games (preferably ones that will run in a window) that will run okay on this graphics card to make the wait less painful?

Thanks in advance. :)

Sincerely yours,
x300 is IGP isnt it. Ive played BF2 on IGP, it just about works if you turn everything down to zero.
GTA3 should be ok, Driver is a good old one :) I have driver on cd and also a copy of dark reign which Ive never got round to opening. Just look up some old games high on gameplay, I used to play on emulators years ago (when I had no 3d card) with tons of games available
This particular one isn't IGP, it's a cheap-o PCI-E replacement for my X1800XT until I get a new one sorted out. :) Thanks for the suggestions you guys.

I wonder how Max Payne would play on it. :confused:
Úlfhednar said:
This particular one isn't IGP, it's a cheap-o PCI-E replacement for my X1800XT until I get a new one sorted out. :) Thanks for the suggestions you guys.

I wonder how Max Payne would play on it. :confused:
My Dell pc has an X300SE and it plays max payne 2 just fine so max payne 1 should run nice and smooth :)
gtl, gtr, bf2, lfs,tibia,aa, most games just at loooooow settings :), i have a friend who has a x300 se and we play those games fine
If its not IGP then its even better and should be fine for bf2 on low settings, main memory is of more importance.

Theres all sorts of games you could play. When I had just a Geforce mx440 se I went through an entire coverdisk DVD of games and not one refused to play or was so slow that it was unplayable and that included such games as Doom 3 or Farcry. It depends how fussy you are really but most games will work one way or another.
PinkFloyd said:
Fear. oops wrong thread :D
Hissss. What's worse is my F.E.A.R. DVD is right next to me and I know I can't play it. :mad:

Thanks a lot for the suggestions though guys, keep them coming. :) Going to install Rollercoaster Tycoon right now. :D
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mrs pacman
mr and mrs pacman
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pacman 3: the return of pacman
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uplink....needs all the graphical processing power of a digital watch BUT the game play is excellent...and one day i will remember to wipe all my ip's etc etc hehe
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