Kember free

Just heard this on the news. Really nice to hear, but a little smile on my face which you don't often get in todays news.
Great news, so glad he and the other hostages are free!

Here's hoping the troops who freed him were able to kill a load of insurgents during the rescue op!
Thats great news, I thought the lack of media coverage on this meant he had been killed. Its good to see that some people hadn't forgotten about them!

I hope that everyone makes a full recovery from the ordeal (mentally and physically)

My thoughts are with the American's family...

Personally i hope that no soldiers died for this pillock. If they did then he should be put on trial or at the very least he should be given a bill for his stupidity. "I wonder who I can help today? I know, I'll go the hottest spot thats hotter than the hottest thing in the universe and I'll help them even though I stand a chance of being kidnapped". He's probably the type of person who'll dust of his shirt and go back into the thick of it again in the name of his God. I know several soldiers over there and I know what they would be thinking. Good effort lads.
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