Kember free

QABoy said:
Personally i hope that no soldiers died for this pillock. If they did then he should be put on trial or at the very least he should be given a bill for his stupidity. "I wonder who I can help today? I know, I'll go the hottest spot thats hotter than the hottest thing in the universe and I'll help them even though I stand a chance of being kidnapped". He's probably the type of person who'll dust of his shirt and go back into the thick of it again in the name of his God. I know several soldiers over there and I know what they would be thinking. Good effort lads.

Absolutely agree 100% - a soldier, doing his duty, had to lay his life on the line to save a bunch of idiots. How long before we hear kember saying he was treated well, understood their reasons etc. No sympathy at all for someone who puts themselves in harms way and drags others with them.
Well done boys. The SAS (I presume) doing what they do best. :)

While I am very glad indeed that Mr Kember is safe and free, I hope he reflects on the stupidity of his actions and faces the reality that kicking their arses is the only way to deal with these nutbars.
QABoy said:
That would be me expressing genuine feelings of :/ at such an egregious dismissal of a persons philanthropy.

Would your opinion be different had he been a security contractor out to make a buck?

Also, had you bothered to RTFA, you might have spotted the lack of casualties.
Good news, I just hope that experience hasn't ruined his life too much, glad he's released and the others as well. :)
Borris said:
Would your opinion be different had he been a security contractor out to make a buck?

Also, had you bothered to RTFA, you might have spotted the lack of casualties.
I agree with that guys opinion, in that he put himself in harms way, and had to be rescued, wasting time and resources, and possibly putting soldiers in harms way. I would feel even stronger about someone who was just out there to make a quick buck, as it's not even like he's out there for some highly moral reason, just opportunism.
It doesn't matter that there were no casualties, the fact that time had to be spent rescuing him is a waste in itself, and what if the circumstances had been different and a gunfight was going to be required to save him?

Glad that he's been freed, but I hope other do-gooders will think twice before going over there.
Borris said:
That would be me expressing genuine feelings of :/ at such an egregious dismissal of a persons philanthropy.

Would your opinion be different had he been a security contractor out to make a buck?

Also, had you bothered to RTFA, you might have spotted the lack of casualties.

My opinion would be exactly the same for any civilian who decides to go to any hotspot in the world.

It doesn't matter one iota. Soldiers put their lives on the line for a civilian who decided to put himself in danger. He's white and English in a Muslim country. What a great idea.
I'm pretty sure you've watched all the rescue service programs on the TV where people get stranded/injured doing stupid things and rescue workers then put their lives in danger and often for no reward. I'd leave them there.
There is a place for non-military personnel in a war zone (are we still calling it a war?). So much so that they outnumber the military, and they play a vital role in any conflict, especially an established confrontation such as Iraq, whether they are paid or not.

Due to that fact alone they have as much validity in their presence as the military, possibly more, and it falls under the remit of the military to protect them.

QABoy said:
He's white and English in a Muslim country.
I wasn't aware that skin colour or religion were in any way relevant. No doubt you'll clarify this.
Borris said:
I wasn't aware that skin colour or religion were in any way relevant. No doubt you'll clarify this.

Are you for real.

If you're English and white in Iraq then you might as well walk around with a target on your back. If you play with fire then you deserved to get burnt.
dmpoole said:
Are you for real.
I was the last time I checked - but you never can tell these days. Effective use of a teenage americanism, however. I applaud you, Sir.

dmpoole said:
If you're English and white in Iraq then you might as well walk around with a target on your back. If you play with fire then you deserved to get burnt.
Maybe I misread, but QABoy wrote white and english in a muslim country, from which I inferred that being white and english in any muslim country would be bad news. It certainly doesn't bode well for the large ex-pat communities in Saudi or Dubai.
QABoy said:
I'm pretty sure you've watched all the rescue service programs on the TV where people get stranded/injured doing stupid things and rescue workers then put their lives in danger and often for no reward. I'd leave them there.
Except for the fact that that's what they're paid to do! If those soldiers weren't out freeing these hostages, they'd be on the streets being shot at by insurgents. As far as "putting themselves in harms way" goes, that's what they do on a daily basis.

Excellent news :)
Borris said:
Maybe I misread, but QABoy wrote white and english in a muslim country, from which I inferred that being white and english in any muslim country would be bad news. It certainly doesn't bode well for the large ex-pat communities in Saudi or Dubai.

I believe QAboy only has a computer at work and uses it very rarely.
I'm sure since we're debating Iraq he's talking about Iraq.
QABoy said:
Personally i hope that no soldiers died for this pillock. If they did then he should be put on trial or at the very least he should be given a bill for his stupidity. "I wonder who I can help today? I know, I'll go the hottest spot thats hotter than the hottest thing in the universe and I'll help them even though I stand a chance of being kidnapped". He's probably the type of person who'll dust of his shirt and go back into the thick of it again in the name of his God. I know several soldiers over there and I know what they would be thinking. Good effort lads.

I can't help but agree with that. Good to see that no soldiers were killed in the rescue though.

I'm also reading that he doesn't seem to have expressed his gratitude to his rescuers. I seem to remember reading that he actually said if he is kidnapped, then he wouldn't want any rescue attempted. This doesn't excuse him for not being grateful for those who risked their lives for his.
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Jan Benvie, also from CPT, told BBC News she intends to go to Iraq in July.
She said she did not accept her presence should mean an extra responsibility for the security forces.

Please please please sign a form saying that you are stupid and if you get kidnapped then there is to be no rescue attempt putting our boys in unnecessary danger.
dmpoole said:
Jan Benvie, also from CPT, told BBC News she intends to go to Iraq in July.
She said she did not accept her presence should mean an extra responsibility for the security forces.

Please please please sign a form saying that you are stupid and if you get kidnapped then there is to be no rescue attempt putting our boys in unnecessary danger.

Natural selection is alive and well in that part of the world,

Gotta agree with previous comments, well done to the forces who got him out, and thankfully, there was no injury or loss of life on our side to rescue this muppet.

Ironic = A bible bashing hippy being rescued by those gun toting warmongers he thinks are responsible for feelings there in the first place :rolleyes:
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