Kerbal Space Program

Oh it was nothing like that, just my mind not working properly and many Kerbals exploding due to it :D

I think Jeb is safest left stranded on the moon right now!!
Multiplayer doesn't interest me at all, although I haven't been following kerbalkon so I haven't seen how they intend it to work. I really just want new places to visit, that's all I want for Christmas.
Im pretty excited about multiplayer! It depends how many people are on a server- you could have people putting a refuelling station up and charging people for fuel. If that mining mod was released as part of the full game you could end up having space companies etc. But everyone starts off with zero tech... Maybe im just describing eve?
I designed and tested a boat \ hydrofoil thing, and actually got it to work! I had a raised jet fuel fuselage with the empty fuselage supporting it acting as floats. I whacked three sets of rover wheels and drove it into the sea and viola it floats! I ejected my rover parts and everything. I might add undercarriage so i can boat to the island and then drive around there...

I don't move very fast on the sea with the single basic jet engine so i think i need to improve the design a lot.

I wonder if unity game engine has water resistance as well as air resistance ie if i streamline my floats i will go faster...

Pics after work!

I had a quick mess around with boats around version 0.21. I found that the square air intakes pointing downwards worked very well as floats and let me get up to a decent speed, but if I went too fast something would break from the impact with the water, quickly resulting in an explosion. they might have looked stupid, but they worked very well
I think MP would be great in a small friends only sandbox environment. Think having to deal with people smashing into your space stations intentionally would get old very quickly.
Now I've got a chance to upload my fail hydrofoil thing! Mercifully, small pics :D

I started off with a basic design of empty fuselage as floats and a jet as thrust. It worked OK for a speed of 14m/s.

However it tilted towards the nose a lot for reasons I wouldn't work out for a couple of hours because I'm a thickie:

But I did notice that with my wheels left on (they decoupled off for less drag... not sure if the game cares though), i would float higher in the water. Which might result in less drag if most of my floats are out of the water! So I experimented and addded more wheels and left them on.
Yup, it raised my boat out of the water.

Next I just whacked 3x the long girder under my boat and I had the first principle design of my boat done. Also I gave up with going 30m/s to the water with rover wheels and just used undercarriage and my jet to get to the water. This ended up my basic design on which to improve as it still listed to the front when accelerating.

I experimented with where the power was located, so moved it forward as I realised with sea planes, the power is usually not right at the back.

As you could see, i had added SRBs. Idea was to see what speed my girder ski things would break at. Result- they didn't. Also, looked badass. However, i was still leaning forward in the water.

At this point i actually gave it a bit of thought and realised that my power needed to be lower than my CoG in order to not pivot around the centre of my mass. So the HFE VI was born. It helped a bit when under power:

Then i just started experimenting a bit more and losing the plot. I got rid of my floats and just used girders, to have a very low centre of gravity. Also, just SRB power for some reason!

Didn't work out:

Finally, I reached a design that did kind of work. Very low mounted rear engines. No floats, just floaty girders (Because that's how science works).

Also looked badass.

It was good for exactly 14m/s. Exactly the same speed as my original design, 3h earlier.

Night well spent. You will not go to space today.
Well I've "perfected" my hydrofoil.[img]

It still leans heavily to the front but what the hell. I went on a day tripto "The Island"!

It has changed a bit since the last update I think? Spoiler in case you want to check it out yourself.

I realised I hadn't put a ladder on my boat so little K couldn't get back home. Rescue trip! I added a ladder and a seat for Jeb.

Which didn't go down well.


However, as it was jet / undercarriage set up, its turning cirlce was five miles which resulted it firey death doom / getting stuck. However, I rather engeniously designed this!

Undercarriage up- Tight turning with rover wheels:

Undercarriage down- raises rover wheels off the ground = high speed!

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You just use the vectoring of the engine. I did attach control surface wings on an earlier version but it proved to be too effective. Also the frequent changes and up down movement resulted in my hydrofoil bouncing out of the water and my boat getting airborn. Wing surfaces do not land in water well at 80m\s!
Parachute on top if you plan to land in Duna, Eve, or Laythe. Not strictly needed, but makes landing a lot easier, and is essentially free delta-v.
the only thing I would change is to replace the two SRBs near the top of the rocket with liquid fueled rockets because they are far more fuel efficient. I would have thought that two of those long 1.25m tanks stacked on top of each other with an LV-T30 on the bottom would be more than enough power for a middle stage of a rocket as a replacement for the SRBs. If you have mods then there may be more suitable engines and tanks out there
I'll have a look on that, thanks guys :) Are there any good mods out there to pretty up things so the lander isn't just plonked on top?

Parachutes are not in for now, I'm only going to Mun, can't even find a path to Minimus or anywhere else, no clue on how to get to Duna etc!! :)

Managed to touch down on the moon with the lander module with the Rover on top, thanks to a bit of extra roll momentum from a slight inaccuracy with the landing!

Skycrane pops off the top perfectly, flies across, drops the rover all wait, the girder I used to attach the Capsule to the Rover..there is no release mechanism!! :(

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