Kerbal Space Program

Yeh noticed, thanks :D

Nearly got to space on my first go!, however there wasn't enough fuel and the next time went totaly wrong lol
Just make a HUGE amount of boosters and then 1 little rocket on top which consists of a capsule then a anti-spin thingy (forgot what it is called :p) and then a fuel rocket :D
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How do you actually move the camera? I had a 'kind of' successful launch by which i mean i got them back to the ground without dying but i can't really see what to build without moving it around a bit.
This is actually pretty addictive! Currently on my way to the moon it seems :P


Not sure how they're gonna get back though. Oh well.
Managed to get a 10 stage rocket into space.
Took a while to design it right as some parts that disconnected were colliding with the following thrusters.
Leading to funny results.
I have downloaded a Liquid Fuel Nuclear Engine wonder if its as dangerous as it sounds :D :p :eek:

Edit: Hmm went well by that I mean everyone died again :D
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Just had a great flight there, lasted so long I went down and watched TV for half of it. Managed to come back up in time to release the parachute, apparently I shoudn't have waited until just 250m high though :(


In summary:

878km altitude, 2736m/s highest speed, 4321km distance covered.

For my next flight I hope to complete a full orbit and land safely back at base.

Here's a screenshot of the ship:


12 SRBs for the first section, 5 SRBs for the second. The third section is a LRB with 3 fuel tanks.

My next design will include a LRB with atleast 1 fuel tank and possible some wings in order to help achieve a longer orbit as well as help aim at the home base once a full orbit is complete, I regretted using all the fuel in one burn this time round :)
My rocket seems to spin in the air with liquid fuel engine. I can't seem to control it lol:(:p

Gratuitous use of the SAS system and some nifty work on the controls were the only thing that kept my ship pointed in a vaguely correct direction. I think that once you get up high enough there's a lot less random spinning to the ship due to lower air friction.
I present experimental craft D.A.V.E ( Do All Vehicles Explode) :D My best rocket yet no one died :p



Had a slight problem in that I forgot to add a decoupler to the pod so fired my chute in space :o :(

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