Kerry Katona on This Morning

So, you think it's funny to laugh at irritating celebrities when their lives fall apart, do you?

o Charlie Brooker
o The Guardian,
o Monday October 27 2008

There's a lot of bleak and distressing news around at the moment. In fact, I've become so conditioned to expect bad news that if I turned on CNN tomorrow morning and saw a report saying every kitten in the world had died of leukaemia during the night, accompanied by footage of sobbing workmen bulldozing their bodies into a mass grave, I'd probably just shrug and think: "Yeah, that figures." But grim though the news is, nothing of late has haunted me quite as much as a story I read some time ago - this time last year as it happens - about a man who was jailed for urinating on a woman who'd collapsed in the street, shouting "This is YouTube material!" as she lay dying.

A reader reminded me of this last week. But only indirectly. I get a lot of emails from people asking me to read through stuff they've written to see if I think it's funny, or can give them advice and so on. And I rarely do, because a) some of the stuff they send is even worse than my own (in which case they must be really straining), and b) my inbox is perpetually over its size limit thanks to an endless swarm of whopping great PR emails containing 10MB JPEG invites to things I'm never, ever going to go to - so half the time I can't reply anyway.

But during a bored moment last Thursday I bucked a trend and decided to read one such submission: a comic mock-news article a reader sent in, concerning Kerry Katona's already-notorious appearance on This Morning. Said reader called Katona a "mentally hilarious ex-girl band jizz puppet" and a "pram-faced ****-muncher".


I couldn't quite work out which was worse - the fact that they'd written this in the first place, or the assumption that I, specifically, would find it funny. Having poured countless buckets of deliberately puerile abuse over people for several years, to the point where I've developed RSI, I figured I only had myself to blame. Then again, maybe not. Perhaps I'm mellowing in my old age, or perhaps I've grown 15% more human, but kicking real people when they're down doesn't really activate my chuckle cells.

Sure enough, Katona's apparent meltdown - assuming her slurring performance was a meltdown and not, as she claimed, a reaction to antidepressants - became "YouTube material" within minutes of the broadcast. And although many of the comments underneath expressed concern or pity, there were plenty of cackles too. "Haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa," wrote one warm-hearted chum of humanity, because a simple "Ha ha ha" just wouldn't suffice.

Why leave it there, chuckles? Why not head down to your nearest addiction clinic and laugh yourself up a storm? Or better still, swing by the local hospice: it's a goldmine of comic misery. Except it isn't, because those are "innocent" victims, none of whom have previously annoyed you by being famous, or courting attention with lad-mag photo shoots, which is, apparently, all it takes to convert basic human sympathy into side-splitting belly laughs.

Of course, if you want to be on the receiving end of this kind of point-and-giggle shittery it helps if you're a woman, and you've had your crotch flashed across the internet courtesy of some clammy paparazzo who held his camera at ankle-height and shoved it up your skirt as you clambered out of your car. Look! When we lie down on the pavement, utterly prostrating ourselves among the dog **** and fag butts, when we lie down here and gaze upwards ... we can actually see your vagina, you repugnant! And from here on in, anything negative that happens to you has been instantly rendered hilarious. Lost your mind? Haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa. Lost your children? Haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa. Here's hoping you get drunk and stumble into a threshing machine so we can print out the pictures and stick them on the office noticeboard and laugh till our noses run. And why? Because we're better than you.

Asserting an unearned, wisp-thin air of superiority: that's what it's really about.

The equation runs as follows: vacuous celebrities are trashy and annoying + I consider myself above them = HAAAA HAAAA HAAAA CHECK OUT THE SUFFERING LOL!!!!

It doesn't add up. If you look down on the genuine misery of those you consider beneath you, you're not just being an ********, but a snooty one to boot. The very fact that you're willing to get so annoyed by an irritating celebrity that you'll gleefully jettison any notion of sympathy is surely a bright scarlet warning light indicating just how empty your spiritual gas tank has become. We're talking about Kerry Katona here, not Jörg Haider. Do you want to end up like Carole Malone? No? Then for Christ's sake take up a hobby or something. Fly a kite. Phone a friend. Visit a museum. Play some Guitar Hero. Anything. Just gain a little cheerful perspective.

Because we're all just jerks in the playpen, when it comes right down to it. And tossing insults and brickbats is all part of the fun, especially when it's done with panache. But when anyone - no matter how annoying - stumbles and shatters their skull, you'd better be prepared to either shut up or help them. Why? Because you're also a grown up, stupid. And that's what they do.
Why leave it there, chuckles? Why not head down to your nearest addiction clinic and laugh yourself up a storm? Or better still, swing by the local hospice: it's a goldmine of comic misery. Except it isn't, because those are "innocent" victims, none of whom have previously annoyed you by being famous, or courting attention with lad-mag photo shoots, which is, apparently, all it takes to convert basic human sympathy into side-splitting belly laughs.

I read all that and she is clearly missing the point. How many people down the the local addiction clinic have several thousand pound contracts with MTV to record on camera every snippet of their private lives?

:rolleyes: to Charlie Brooker

EDIT, I have more to say...

Does Kerry Katona really feel hard done being laughed at and judged by people? If she does then why the **** does she put herself in front of a camera? Look at the low lives on Jeremy Kyle, they get laughed at and mocked by the general public too. If you are going to plaster yourself on national television don't go crying when things backfire
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stupid ***, i felt sorry for her a few times but it gets repetitive and she's had her chances, why the hell would her fammily or a agent or close workers, suposing she's got one, let her go on the show, also if she wanted she could get the best help in the world to help her, something that many average joe's cant get, she's pathetic, and her chances are long gone and she deserves all the **** she gets from now on.

celebritys can get virtualy anything they want these days, shes made her choice.

And imo watching them youtube clips, thats mainly drugs, not alcohol.
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stupid ***, i felt sorry for her a few times but it gets repetitive and she's had her chances, why the hell would her family or a agent or close workers, supposing she's got one, let her go on the show, also if she wanted she could get the best help in the world to help her, something that many average joe's cant get, **** in the morning as well, she's pathetic, and her chances are long gone and she deserves all the **** she gets from now on.

celebrity's can get virtually anything they want these days, she made her choice.

What he said, how many of us would like half of what she had. Also I am sure we would go about things slightly better than she did.
Meanwhile, Katona's husband Mark Croft claimed that she has her problem under control, explaining: "I would say she only drinks about twice a month, if that. We are quite boring people really."

So lets see, shes an alcoholic and theyve got the problem "under control" but she still drinks a couple of times a month? :confused:

Surely to be under control as an alcoholic you don't drink at all.
I read all that and she is clearly missing the point. How many people down the the local addiction clinic have several thousand pound contracts with MTV to record on camera every snippet of their private lives?

What is amusing is by saying that only shows that its you who has clearly missed HIS point.
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