Keyboard locking up in Games

20 Oct 2002
Oxfordshire / Bucks
Been happening for a very long time, Just put up with it, till now, I decided to try and find out why my "logitech internet naviagator keyboard" locks for a split second when plaing a game, I thinnk it is becuase im probabally using more than 1 key at once.

any way around this ?
I've downloaded the keyboard driver which didn't help

any help much appriciated
I get this but it locks up completely, i have to unplug it and plug it in again and it makes a beeping sound until i do.

i get as well, it's due to me pressing more than one button at once (which sucks because i go crazy with my keyboard when playing stuff like o2jam)
my £2 'tightwad special' keyboard has never locked up. :D
Had a gaming keyboard that would lockup, never again.

try another usb port?
unistall the software that came with it.

call logitech see if they will replace it ,nothing much you can do.
usb keyboards can handle more keys being pressed at one time, where as ps/2 port keyboards can only handle 2 or so. could be your problem.
Anim said:
usb keyboards can handle more keys being pressed at one time, where as ps/2 port keyboards can only handle 2 or so. could be your problem.

Quite possibly then.

I have 2 PCs with a KVM switch inbetween, converted the USB keyboard and mouse to PS/2

give it a go with just the keyboard plugged in directly, you'll probably notice the difference.
Anim said:
usb keyboards can handle more keys being pressed at one time, where as ps/2 port keyboards can only handle 2 or so. could be your problem.
:) i am using a usb-ps2 converter as i didnt want to use a usb slot up so this could be my problem, thanks.

PS2 keyboards can handle more than 2 keys being pressed at once. HOWEVER, some don't like certain combinations. For example, E R T often don't go well together.

There are some ps2 keyboards which don't seem to exhibit this at all (maybe oldschool cherry keyboards etc).

I've never owned a USB keyboard (only serial/ps2) so I can't really comment on those.

now i havent got 2 PCs i took out the belkin KVM and put the keyboard and mouse into the USB ports, and the problem went away.

so yes the PS/2 ports can't hold that much information, USB ports can.

cheers all
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