
13 Dec 2006
On the forest moon Endor
Hi there

Am looking to upgrade to keyboard with this:-

Click Here

Obviously I'll be using it mainly for the game listed in my siggy - just wondering if anyones used, or uses one of these and can provide me with feedback please?
I have one, be aware, it measures 265mm deep (With wristrest) x 545 wide. Its big, I personally dont use the macro keys, but the LCD is excellent for games, such as a TS2 applet and the media keys are really handy too.
mmmalas said:
when they say macros to view stuff, does they mean general pc stuff temp fans.

or can it do game stuff ping, score etc?

Yes, there are hundreds of addons for the keyboard's screen... game stats, ping etc etc
Yeah the keyboard is pretty big. I saw the Saitek Eclipse II in person at i31 LAN and they looked awesome...much better than my Eclipse I, but i refrained from buying a new keyboard when my current one suits me fine :-p

If you have the space (and money) go for the G15, its a good keyboard. Else i recommend a G11, or Saitek Eclipse II.
Great keyboard. Recently sold mine but it was a very nice peripheral alongside a Razer Diamondback.

If you can hold out, I would wait until Logitech unveil the new revision of the G15, seen here:


It's due around September time and in my opinion looks a lot better than the first. Although it does have less macro keys.
Wow thats looks ace, shame they cost so much or i'd actually buy one. I just don't think a keyboard should ever cost that much, i thought my Saitek Eclipse I was expensive!!
BlackDragon said:
Wow thats looks ace, shame they cost so much or i'd actually buy one.

I thought the same about mine at the time. I spent £45 on a brand new G15 and I was a bit pocket easy in going for it, looking back. But on the other hand, it's something you use every time you sit down at the computer and the flexibility of the macro keys and the little LCD screen (if it's of any use to you at all) did eventually sway me into believing it was a good purchase.

Although as mentioned previously in the thread, it is extremely wide. I'm not into the WoW sort of games and those were all sorts of spells are needed - but glad Logitech have reduced the number of macro keys - it'll hopefully make it a bit more desk-friendly, if not user-friendly.
i don't think i'll upgrade til i see logitech birng like a colour lcd screen cause i can't complain about my g15 atm, i love it. bf2 applet is so cool
Slogan said:
Something like this I'd imagine:

yea mines like that, i can get pics if you want like.

my bf2 applet shows:
server name
current map
server ip
army you're playing as
kit you're using atm
position in the server (eg 1st)
kill/death ratio
Number of grenades
squad members scores

lol quite a bit....on different screens like
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Slogan said:
Something like this I'd imagine:


thats a poor pic ill take some later but it does a lot of things u can get things for most games cpu/ram/temp moniters alls orts its an ace keyboard i just got mine as i dont like the look of the new ones
ow that g15 looks nice, i dont game but i am all about the looks in a keyboard...

i recently spilt red bull all over my logitech elite keyboard... pictured below


sadly it wasnt fixable... i was looking for a replacement and was thinking about buying the logitech di novo, the one that costs over £100 but thats too much for a keyboard regardless how cool it looks...

this is coming out soon which caught my eye:


logitech wave...

actually i prolly wont get either as i just realised that my sister has the same keyboard in her room so i just nicked that and am using it right now... when she gets back from holiday will just buy her a cheapie with multimedia keys fro m somewhere
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