"Kickstarter" H-Hour SOCOM Remake


CONFIRMED: SOF Studios, PC title, H-Hour: World’s Elite is now in FULL PRODUCTION.

#HHour will be released via Steam early access in March 2015.

We’ll be outlining a communications strategy that will be posted on our forums within the next couple of weeks. This will give our amazing community a clear understanding of what to expect from the Studio as we build out H-HOUR.

Great job everyone and sorry for the wait!

Cant wait
You could also donate to get into the beta up until Weds of this week via the website, was considering it but thought I'd check some streams out first.

I think EA hits Steam on April 21st?
Been Enjoying this last couple months..

Still very much Alpha but they releasing decent amount patches and always talking with the community.

Game is still about a year away to be up to standards with the likes of Socom but so far am really liking everything they doing..

Here some footage of latest update with New Map... Map is in its first pass through so not all Audio is correctly working etc

Patch Notes
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