Hi my 13 year old daughters and 11 year old sons school introduced a new uniform just before Christmas half term replacing the shirt tie and blazer uniform and bringing in a polo shirt and jumper uniform. What's people's opinion? Students can wear the new uniform from tomorrow but it isn't conpulsary until September. I bought my daughter and son the new uniform the cost was pretty reasonable
School jumper £11x4 2 each
School polo shirt £9x6 3 each
Already got school trousers
My daughter weares her plain black vans as school shoes
My sons school shoes cost £6 plain black converse from asda
School jumper £11x4 2 each
School polo shirt £9x6 3 each
Already got school trousers
My daughter weares her plain black vans as school shoes
My sons school shoes cost £6 plain black converse from asda