Kill Team

30 Aug 2006
Does anyone play Kill Team?

I get really bogged down painting lots and lots of the same miniatures, so building a large Warhammer army is not going to happen for me. I love painting and want to play! I have two starter sets and I made a mistake when buying the Thunder and Blood set, its just too many models to bother with. Loved painting the starter box sets and I'll probably buy the Nighthaunt starter set, although I wish it was not another Stormcast army (painted them in Storm of Sigmar). Just using the models to have a battle works very well with me. From what I have seen all the rules for all models come in the box, so no need to buy a codex for everything.

So I'm thinking of splashing out £60 on the Kill Team box set. From what I have watched on Youtube it looks right down my street, small army's and quickish games. I have lots of Marines and Necrons I painted years ago, do the rules include using these? I like the idea of being able to paint 5-10 models and use them in a full game. If I was to use my old models do I still need to buy these cards that you get when buying the official Kill Team sets?
I haven't tried it yet (although I did do Shadow War a few times), but a friend was saying they did a couple of games and went from not being very interested to wanting to get a copy.

I think you can use normal necron/tau/marines you just either need different models to correspond with the different members of the team, or some other way to differentiate if needed (when I played a quick pick up game of shadowar I used a bit of tape with a name to track which of my 'nids was which).
I think as soon as I sell some of my old marines and the rest of this Thunder and Blood set I'll see how much I have and make a decision then. I really get so bogged down with all these unpainted models it stops me from doing anything. Thanks for the reply.
I have it, it is really quite well put together. Most line troops can be used in the various kill teams and you can have a real eclectic mix for some factions. It is a quick game to play compared to 40K but has a relatively low point of entry. A single box of miniatures can get you a kill team.

Rules wise, fairly slick and, while rooted in 40K, different enough to make the skirmish side work really well.
What about the team specific cards you get when buying the official boxes? Would I need to get them if I was to use other none Kill Team figures?
No, you just need the rulebook and can build teams from the lists in them.

The box sets give you some extra terrain and a background book for that particular killteam.
I've been trying to avoid it for the exact same reason - I've got enough to paint!

I do enjoy painting the new Sacrosanct Stormcast, but they have a lot more cloth on them. I'd have liked more armour! Might have to try and get my hands on some Liberators.
I was tempted. I like the hybrid old meets new rules and my Shadow Wars Skitarii would work. Necromunda has all my current skirmish time atm though.
I've finally got my Kill Team started. I didn't want to buy the complete box set because I didn't really want the two factions. So I took £64 as a ballpoint figure (What Kill Team costs) and have just finished getting everything together to make my own Kill Team setup. I sold a load of my old Warhammer to fund this; which made a lot more that my ball point figure. Although I want to stay as close to £64 as possible.

I got a box of Necrons Immortals / Deathmarks and I'll use some of my existing Necron Warriors that I'll either convert or use as they are.
Got a new box of Ork Lootas and Burners and bought 10 Boyz off ebay (£8.75!), some of which will be converted into Nobz/Kommandos
Already got my First Strike Marines, with 2 of the conquest mag sprues and a load of converting bits from an online bits store (Forbidden Gaming - Who sell bits from as low as 10p! Very reasonable P&P as well) Also got a load of old Marine bits to convert with.
Bought the rulebook.
Don't need dice or ruler. Don't really need the cards and extra tactics things. I'll be sticking to the basic rules.
Spent a week foraging through rubbish bins to make myself some cool industrial scenery. Still a work in progress but I have enough bitz to work with.
Printed out some A4 pages of earthy/rubble/road landscape to make a play mat.

Just got to put it all together, its going to take some time to get all the models painted! The best thing about the painting side is that there wont be much repetitive work because the teams are so small. Love it!
Spent just over £64, which I think is great since I now have a full team of Necrons, Primars Marines and Orks. Might get the next issue of conquest for the Death Guard, but they will be the same as the three I got in First Strike so I'll have to think on that one.

I'll probably get some photos up in a month.
I missed yesterdays post, that was my Kill Team manual so I was going to have to hold off putting together my Kill Teams. Then someone on Killteam reddit pointed me toward the BattleScribe app... What a great app! Kind of holds your hand while putting a team together. With my lack of experience this was invaluable when deciding what weapons to glue onto my teams.

I crafted a knife out of a bit of a sprue for one of my intercessors, its so great its got a name. Its called "That's not a knife, knife" It gets the name from being about a foot longer than a sword, but its definitely a knife! Name courtesy of Mike Dundee
I had a good painting session tonight. Got well over half way painting my Adeptus Astartes team and made a couple of Flayed Ones from Necron Warriors (Lesson for the day - No amount of 'Blood for the blood god' is too much for a Flayed One!). Most of the scenery is done. Just need to build and paint the rest of the Necon team, build and paint the Ork team, build and paint the Scion Team I impulse bought off Facebook market place and work out what I'm going to do with a Death Guard team! Christ, what am I doing... Someone pass me a bottle of single malt.

Also bought a new LED lamp from Amazon. Hopefully it'll help me see what I'm doing a bit better, I cant position my desk lamp over my work very well. Also bought a paint holder from ebay, something that will hold 40 paint pots and I'll be able to fix to my existing painting piece of wood board thing.
I know the slow progress feeling - my latest miniature is a new born son, and whilst I'm still getting some hobby time, it's much slower!

I've 90% completed my Skitarii Kill Team though. Not a fan of Skitarii in general, but happy with how these guys have turned out. Not so happy with the picture, but my Lightbox doesn't let me take a good shot unfortunately!

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