Kingpin 2

popeye said:
lol...there still kp servers,anyone playing?

Way to resurrect a dead thread :o

People still play, kingpinforever website still has updates but I bet there are only about 50-100 regular players (I'm not!)

Whoop :)
popeye said:
Hello taxa ,trebs still ya best m8? :)
Ha, forgot about that as it was absolutely years ago.

Can't believe people are still playing the game, I havent played any online game except for Kingpin properly as it just doesnt seem to hold my interest, be it cs, css, bf2, whatever.
Loved the single player way back, no internet for me then so didn't try the mp. Was the game along with rogue spear that got me into pc gamng.
Think it was the community in kp like G|mp said,no other game as got me hooked like kp did,all them MaMa v's 77crew scrims & BY forum scraps)
Vegeta said:
Anyone remember me? Used to be called TaXa.

[S/P/K]taXa* (minus the /'s)

Holy **** taXa* !!!! (bows down)

I remember getting a good kicking in 1on1's a few times ;) i think i even got a frag once :)

And yes i still rememer Robert Ward and his ghey little sidekick Ttocs :rolleyes:

Waves @ Whoopass \o

Love G|mp
(member of one of the few teams that actually beat Mama in BM :D)
I remember the names Candyfloss and is that really you GM@N?

The knobber who was always doing the kit maps?
Dont make me dig the screenies out :D

It was RMBM and 3 of us robbed them blind in the last 30 seconds, not bad for a thrown together bunch of mates who were stoned out of our minds most of the time :o

Who are you Popeye jog my memory?
Alreet man, been playing COD2 most of the timebut aint played that for a few months now

I still speak to w33d on line every now and again, hows Appy?
Was only really a clan server that i was playing for but im too busy to play matches and stuff nowadays so i just go in any of the low ping servers

Only really play S&D and the odd TDM

<T|G> was the clan server, dont even know if its still up tbh :/
G|mp said:
I remember the names Candyfloss and is that really you GM@N?

The knobber who was always doing the kit maps?

Can't say I remember anyone from playing back then. Kit maps? I think you have the wrong person.
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