Kings of Leon

18 Oct 2002
I've been listening to their new single "On Call" and think its great! Always a big fan of their music.

Any ideas when their new album is out?
as usual another fantastic track from the kings cant wait for the new album already got it pre-ordered.

comes out 4th of April
brilliant song, to accompany their already 2 brilliant albums... im seeing them in birmingham 15th april... or the 19th... i forget which one!

cant wait! bring on the new album!
Really dissapointed with On Call, too plodding and messy sounding to me.

Been a huge fan since the beginning but to me this track lacks any of that energy or melody from previous tracks, Caleb's voice is one of the most distinct voices of recent years but even he can't save this track :(

They've been hanging out with U2 a bit much I reckon.

Just my opinion :)

For the record, Trani is incredible, especially when the do it live :cool:

I suggest going to listen to Spiral Staircase then coming back to On Call. Shame but there you go :rolleyes:
Another vote for this quality band... Undeserved of the 'nu-indie' lable they've been somewhat lumped with.

Oh, and BTW... Tim, a good friend of mine is also named Tim, comes from south Yorks and drives an '04 Civic Type-R in grey. I thought you were him for a moment! Strange...
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Wang Computer said:
Another vote for this quality band... Undeserved of the 'nu-indie' lable they've been somewhat lumped with.

Oh, and BTW... Tim, a good friend of mine is also named Tim, comes from south Yorks and drives an '04 Civic Type-R in grey. I thought you were him for a moment! Strange...

spooky:eek: Mines for sale atm:p
I stole the album from my sister yesterday, will give it a full hearing over the holiday. I love Arizona and On Call, and a big fan of their previous album. Looking forward to hearing the rest :)
yeah it's so chilled and hmmm diffirent, some of the later tracks are really good too, they have not packed the six best in first,
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