Kings of Leon

Sweetloaf said:
Not for me it isn't, It's just plain awful. Shame really the other two albums are fantastic.

strange, i find it to be there best work yet, i have had the album for quite a few weeks now, and have had a good blast, so much more chilled and laid back, it like they have grown up
Well it just so happens the house is empty so I've got the volume of my Hi-Fi up ridiculously loud :D

Love it so far. Favourite track Black Thumbnail at the moment.
I'm not enthused by the new album.

Some cool tracks on it, BUT like with a large number of bands these days I got to the end of the album and was thinking I'd been listening to the same song played over and over again with slightly different emphasis on instruments. Little textural changes, same orchestration the whole way through. Most noticeable was the bass guitar lines which were almost identical from track to track. Same style, playing on the same beats of the bar, utterly predictable and monotonous by the end of the album.
massive kol fan here. really like the single, cant wait for the album. aha shake is just about perfect, it was recorded live too

Well I'm not really that impressed with the album. Certainly wasn't worth a purchase. It'll probably end up on eBay.

Sadly, I've found myself listening to Timaland's new album a lot more!!
didnt know aha shake was recorded live... cool!

i brought this album on tuesday, but have been too busy to listen too it, fortunatyl it looks like i have a quiet day at work, so ill wack it on my PC and have a listen :)

love the single though
Loki said:
Yep really do like Knocked up.

How's this album compare to their other stuff ?

If you like The Kings of Leon as a raw sounding bluesy/rock 'n' roll type of band then I'd avoid it tbh, it's a group of hillbillies trying to sound deep and insightful. Sounds to me like they have been spending way too much time with U2 for my liking. Aha and Youth are two of my favourite albums, I feel they have lost their energy and drifted into mediocrity.

That said, you may love it, plenty of people seem to.
If you like rough bluesy music then you can't beat a bit of The Black Keys album Rubber Factory

You might also like The Mooney Suzuki for a Rock 'n' Roll fix.
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