I disagree; I think they're a mid point between ovens and deep fat fryers. Yes, its not as good as deep fat fryer but done properly basic oven chips are a lot nicer in the fryer. The best chicken wings I've had have been done in the airfryer.
When you factor in cooking time (its a bit quicker) and ease of use compared to a deep fat I think they have a place. I totally agree however that based on flavour alone, its meal dependant.
I'm glad you're enjoying yours, but I don't think that's the majority view.
Also, I didn't mean to make it sound as though they're total crap. They do have some advantages such as cooking time.
But, the point that I took away from the review, and you just reinforced for me is, is it worth the cost and counter space for something that produces better chips than the oven, but not as good as deep fat fryer, and possibly good wings? The answer is no for me and many others. (I will say, with respect, if an air fryer produces the best wings you've ever had then I feel sorry for you (
), cause the best wings in the world come out of a deep fat fryer. ). Also, I have a 12", extra deep, enameled cast iron skillet that produces chips that are on par with a deep fat fryer. ( I assume when you say chips you mean what I would call french fries.)
I won't ever buy a bread machine because they just can't produce good quality bread. Sure, it's better than I can do by hand, but it's a far cry from bakery quality. What's the point? I don't want dense flavorless bread just because it's better than I can do by hand.
All that said, I realize that much of this is subjective and that I have a bias formed by over 30 years of subscribing to Cooks Illustrated, (I subscribed to their magazine before Al Gore invented the internet
) that leads me to believe there's rarely a substitute for proper technique.
I will also add that I do understand that saving some time is important when you and your spouse both work and have 3 kids living at home. Just don't expect miracles.