Knee joints / muscles



21 Apr 2006
Hi all,

For as long as I can remember I’ve had dodgy knees, the only way I can describe it , its as if when people click there knuckles , as the bones are grinding together (they click) well this is what I get with my knees but worse ,usually if I walk up stairs (it doesn’t happen often) I get that clicking sensation , then out of the blue my knee will (I think) dislocate on me im not 100% sure if it dislocates or is a very painful click. Ofc it’s a huge discomfort when it does happen.

I’ve been experiencing the clicking for 3 days now and am finding it quite awkward to walk up and down stairs. As to me this has become a fear more than anything.

Is there anything I can do personally (without the gym) to work on my knee joints and muscles?

I do have a docs appointment also.
Yeah thought as much, as i've said i can go years before anything happends again.

Thanks anyways
When I was having similar problems as yourself I went to see a specialist, sadly I can't remember what they were, it was something like a kineticist. Turned out my knee problems were due to having flat feet.

I have knee problems, when i crouch/squat i often find the bones "clicking". It's fine when training in the summer when its warm, but when winter comes they do give me a small amount of pain. Haven't seen my gp yet though about it, will have to go when winter is here !
My knees click and I squat. Sports physio should be good but as always with these things it's recommended to see your GP [which you are] despite comments suggesting not to.
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