Know any Weeaboos?

1 Aug 2005
My God, this person is annoying. What is the point? Get your own identity.

I've known a girl for years called Siren, but recently she started referring to herself as "siren-chan" and stuffing her MSN name full of Japanese characters and listening to Dir En Grey. It's thoroughly pathetic.

For those who don't know or care, a "weeaboo" is someone who pretends to be Japanese when they're not, or who pretends that they can speak the language when they're only learning stock words and phrases parrot fashion and repeating them on YouTube.
Yeah the videos did, and then I found one where she spoke...omg that was freak, kind of like a cat talking...:/

I watch loads of anime and stuff, and really like loads of Japanese films, but I'm not such an idiot that I think I could just morph into a Japanese person by being a weeaboo.

Exactly, she's not even speaking sensible Japanese. Just copied phrases that don't mean much strung together. Sort of just like saying, "egg whisk, egg whisk. Tomato pylon snake mushroom."
She's 21... Why would "pedos" be interested?

Because she looks young, I suppose.

People say she's 14 pretending to be 21, I think it's the other way round. She obviously an ugly, white trashy girl from America who wants to be something she isn't and this is her way of doing it.
The whole weeaboo bashing thing is a bit of a fad at the moment. Lots of people jumping on the haters bandwagon. No doubt it will pass in time.

Personally, I didn't know there was a fad going on. I just think it's tragic pretending to know a foreign language and making umpteen videos of yourself staring into a camera because you want people to think you're something other than you are. I think she needs help.
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