My God, this person is annoying. What is the point? Get your own identity.
I've known a girl for years called Siren, but recently she started referring to herself as "siren-chan" and stuffing her MSN name full of Japanese characters and listening to Dir En Grey. It's thoroughly pathetic.
For those who don't know or care, a "weeaboo" is someone who pretends to be Japanese when they're not, or who pretends that they can speak the language when they're only learning stock words and phrases parrot fashion and repeating them on YouTube.
I've known a girl for years called Siren, but recently she started referring to herself as "siren-chan" and stuffing her MSN name full of Japanese characters and listening to Dir En Grey. It's thoroughly pathetic.
For those who don't know or care, a "weeaboo" is someone who pretends to be Japanese when they're not, or who pretends that they can speak the language when they're only learning stock words and phrases parrot fashion and repeating them on YouTube.